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[ANN] [users] godocs.io - Read Go documentation over Gemini

Adnan Maolood me at adnano.co

Fri Apr 30 18:03:15 BST 2021

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godocs.io is a hosted service for reading Go documentation over the web.It originated as a fork of godoc.org, but we've made lots ofimprovements including support for Go modules and now Gemini support.

To get started, visit gemini://godocs.io and search for a Go package byimport path or keyword. If a package is not in the database, it will befetched and added to the database.

You can also self-host godocs.io on your own servers if you please. Thesource code is available at https://sr.ht/~sircmpwn/godocs.io.

Here's the documentation for go-gemini as an example:gemini://godocs.io/git.sr.ht/~adnano/go-gemini
