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[tech] Integrity checks for Gemini pages

nervuri nervuri at disroot.org

Sat May 22 17:16:25 BST 2021

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On Fri, 2021-05-21, nothien at uber.space wrote:

If servers have not yet been fixed to use close_notify, then there's no
hope that they would implement any new companion specs / technologies
for providing integrity.

My suggestions don't entail changes in server software.

If a user of such a server wants integrity, then they should request it
of the maintainer of the server code, or switch to a different server;
there are many out there with the same features.

The user of a pubnix or a flounder-style hosting service would likelynot be in a position to determine what server is used. But they wouldbe able to create well-known files or append hash fragments to a fewlinks. The idea of hash fragments for third-party links would beespecially interesting to explore, I think.

Integrity on the server-side is out of the scope of Gemini

As are many features of current Gemini clients.