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Gemini meetup?

Frank Jüdes Frank.Juedes at linux4specialists.com

Sun May 23 23:14:25 BST 2021

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Great idea! But neither the Bay Area nor Brussels is close to my location.

Anyone else here from West Virginia?

Best regards from Charleston (WV),      Frank/2

On 2021-05-23 01:37, alex wennerberg wrote:

Hey all, now that the world is sort of opening up again, how would you
all feel about a Gemini meetup? I am located in the Bay Area, I wonder
if there's enough folks here to put together a small group. I'm not sure
if I have the resources to organize such a thing, but just wanted to
float the idea.
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