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[Discussion][Workflow] What do you use to write and upload to your capsules?

Jonathan McHugh indieterminacy at libre.brussels

Sat Aug 14 22:36:27 BST 2021

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Dear panda-roux,

Thanks for an interesting project. Its interesting to see database approaches for that type of workflow.

Out of curiosity, is there a reason why LuaXML_lib.so is provided compiled? Is there any possibility of releasing the C code for completeness?


====================Jonathan McHughindieterminacy at libre.brussels

August 14, 2021 9:42 PM, "panda-roux" <contact at panda-roux.dev> wrote:

My gemlog is stored in a SQLite database and generated by Lua scripts
that my server runs. I have a handful of Lua scripts I use in order to
interface with it. They can all be found here:
Typical workflow looks like running `gemlog new` which creates and opens
a temp file in my editor (Vim) and saves it to the database once I save
and exit. This is done SSH'd into a VPS.
On Sat, Aug 14, 2021 at 05:39:07PM +0000, Andrew Singleton wrote:
This isn't a question of server software, or anything backend related (unless the pages are
generated by the server.)
Example: When I was on windows 10 I used notepad and now that I am on Linux mint I use xed to write
the actual page content of my capsules.
Granted the fiction writing components may be written in other programs (most notesbly focus
writer) but for the sake of avoiding BOM and any other potential snarls I copy paste everything
into xed for the sake of formatting and saving as gmi before upload.
I use filezilla to upload that content both because I find it handy to have an active sit backup
that also contains content drafts that I can then zip and back up to several locations, and because
flounder explicitly allows sftp.
What do you guys use?