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Gemini Usenet Newsgroup

Leo list at gkbrk.com

Tue Sep 28 00:34:43 BST 2021

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On Mon Sep 27, 2021 at 12:39 PM +03, Jason Evans wrote:

Hi all,
If anyone is interested, I can start putting together a proposal for a
Gemini Usenet newsgroup. comp.infosystems.gopher is still around and
active. A new comp.infosystems.gemini could be created in the classic
Usenet Big-8 hierarchies but we need people who are willing to say that
they would use it before it could be created.

This is great news. I think Gemini and Usenet have some audience overlapand it's a good idea to have an avenue of discussion that does not relyon a single mail list.

I read and participate in different Usenet newsgroups, and Gemini willbe a welcome addition to the list.

-- Leo