2022-12-01 - added tags

I spent some time reading content in other capsules today and looking at the styles others have adopted and it looks like it’s not that uncommon to use tags, so I spent time addressing that item of my TODO list.

I can check off preserving tags and embedding navigation information, but I’m still waiting on the creation of my Mastodon account. I wanted to join a pod that had a clever name, if that fails I’ll just create a fosstodon account, unless anyone has suggestions… which I can’t really solicit without having some mechanism of feedback, which was the point of creating the Mastodon account…

I did play with some CLI mastodon python programs. Looks like the hardest part there will be setting up tokens, which I can’t do until after I have a Mastodon account… so, remaining items in the TODO list:

After those items are completed I’ll switch my focus to reviewing and publishing notes and finally writing about my system setup and hobbies.






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updated: 2022-12-01 01:16:16

generated: 2023-11-11