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Request for feedback from server/client implementers using\n non-OpenSSL TLS stacks

Rohan Kumar seirdy at seirdy.one

Sun Nov 7 21:06:50 GMT 2021

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TLDR: skip to the last paragraph ("In conclusion: ...").

On Sun, Nov 07, 2021 at 08:00:29PM +0100, Drew DeVault wrote:

Hi! We use BearSSL for gmni/gmnlm/libgmni, and intend to move to BearSSL
for gmnisrv at some point in the future. It does not presently support
TLS 1.3 and it's unclear when it will ship.

I find the idea of using BearSSL for gmnisrv a bit concerning. As a popular Gemini server, switching to a TLS lib that doesn't support TLS 1.3 could make a lot of capsules TLS 1.2-only.

There are many good reasons people to use TLS 1.3 that are quite relevant to Gemini:

- TLS 1.3 can eliminate one or two round-trips. This does more than reduce latency: it can also improve connectivity in high-loss networks.- TLS 1.3 supports Encrypted Client Hello. This does not yet have a lot of server-side implementations, but this will hopefully change. It eliminates a major source of information leakage (the hostname).- TLS 1.3 supports record padding. For Gemini, this provides substantial privacy improvements: given that most pages are generally small, random padding will make it extremely difficult to draw conclusions about a user's traffic from content size.

Combine the second and third points together with the fact that fingerprinting is incredibly limited with Gemini and a real potential benefit to Gemini becomes visible: normalizing these features will make it nearly impossible to infer anything about a Gemini user's traffic besides the source+dest IP addresses. It's difficult to overstate just how useful narrowing traffic leakage to a *single vector* is. Public/shared hosting and grassroots CDNs[0] can make it nearly impossible to draw conclusions about people's traffic at scale, let alone implement wide-scale censorship.

[0]: A term I made up to describe a network of people hosting each others' content on each others' servers to achieve the equivalent of a CDN.

In conclusion: I think there is a real benefit to ensuring that all servers support TLS 1.3 with record padding (and optionally ECH); dropping TLS 1.2 is a good first step in that direction.

Drew: Do you plan to wait until BearSSL gets TLS 1.3 support before using it for Gmnisrv? LibTLS (an offshoot of LibreSSL) may be a good place to look in the meantime for a more simple alternative to OpenSSL. I understand that it is your project and not mine, so I make absolutely no demands and will respect your final decision. All I ask is that whatever decision you make in the end, please remember that Gmnisrv is used on a lot of capsules; decisions like this will have far-reaching impacts throughout the Gemini space. The same goes for any other maintainers of popular servers.

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