Webcomics Showcase: Erfworld

Erfworld is to most webcomics as The Lord of The Rings is to most books; as the ocean is to a lake. Which is to say: it has unrivaled depth and breadth.

The setup is simple: a board games geek, Parson Gotti, has nothing in his life worth living for besides the gaming. In a sudden twist, he is transported to an another world.


This world is called Erfworld and it happens to have rules—for those living there, actual, physical rules—that are very much like a board game.

What follows can only be described as an epic. A board game has sides, and each side is a kingdom; the story of Erfworld is the story of rivalry, war and conquest. It’s the oldest theme there is, but against a new background.

Of course as an outsider Parson’s point of view lets us gradually learn how Erfworld works; it is an intricate, complex, astonishingly well thought out world.

But there is no point in world building without characters and story; and, boy, does Erfworld have those. You will meet whole casts of characters so well fleshed out they’ll feel like family; and when Parson acquires a nemesis, as he naturally does, this person is suitably epic; a Big Bad for the ages.

Side Stories

There are a number of stories, “Book 0” and the “Backer Stories”, set in the same world but not following Parson. They add considerably to Erfworld while being well worth reading in their own right. I particularly recommend the Duke Forecastle backer story, even though it is mostly text only and so not technically a webcomic.

Current Status

Due to real world personal events the main site is closed and no further updates are planned. The archives and shop—you can buy the comics in book form—remain open.


Erfworld Archives

Duke Forecastle

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