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A Simpler Gemplex?

In the space of now and a few hours ago (when I wrote my last blog post), I've started thinking...am I just making things too complicated for no reason at all? Just thinking out loud here in this post.

So Gemini is supposed to be a small protocol for the small/slow Internet. I'm used to the performance-centric world of the web, but maybe I should just slow down? I mean, I could just use CGI for any dynamic content I have, and serve the static contents using the normal Gemini server functionality.

I could still write a Gemini server just for fun, but there's no need to write the next nginx for Gemini.

Funnily enough, as soon as I thought of CGI, I immediately started thinking, yeah, but I should implement _FastCGI_...but then, why? For a toy search engine that as likely as not nobody besides me is going to use? And suppose at some point CGI turned out to be too slow for what I need. I can _then_ add FastCGI support to my server.

That sounds best. I've already implemented sni-based multiplexing in gemplex, but I think I'm gonna scrap that and implement something simpler.