My opinions on alcohol

Let's set it from the start I simply hate the taste of alcoholic beverages, already tried basically every kind out there (beer, cider, wine, whisky, you name it) but i simply cannot like that aftertaste on the throat.

People tell me "but it tastes like fruit"... sure! but for that I drink fruit juice which doesn't have that alcohol taste.


I've heard a bunch of stories from my friends where they get completely wasted and then regret it, now my question is... why do you do it? can't you have fun without alcohol? If you can't, you may be on the wrong setting with the wrong company...

The fun thing, is that sometimes, they were so drunk that they don't even remember what they did, again, bringing back to the "why do you do it?", if you had fun, wouldn't you want to remember it?

I would say that if this drug (and tobacco) is free for everyone* to use then so should all others, I understand it's historical reasons, but makes no sense that alcohol is permitted while weed is banned from most places (I don't consume either of those, just an example)