2022-07-06 Information on Gemini

One of the things that I use the web the most for is getting information: Wikipedia, Github, Dictionaries, Translations, Book information, Programming Documentation, Calculators (inflation, interest, complex equations), etc.

While I appreciate all of the blogs on Geminispace, I feel like we need more information and texts on Gemini. One of the main goals of AuraGem has been to provide as much access to general information as it can. I am taking this effort back up, starting with religious texts. Here are some of the informational pages that I have added:


Religious Texts

Star Wars Database

Multics Docs

Github Proxy

My Notes Collection

I also want to point out capsules that provide information on Geminispace:

Kennedy Search Engine (by @Acidus)

gemi.dev's Gemipedia (wikipedia.org proxy)

Transjovian Wikipedia Proxy

Index of RFCs

UK Weather

gmi.dev Weather

Rolly's Gemini Calculator

Gemini Radio (podcast)

RocketCaster (podcast index)

Transjovian Wiki


Here are some information categories that are still missing from gemini: philosophy, info about zoroastrianism (avesta.org) and other religions, public domain books, information on books, unicode searching, Man Pages (there used to be a page for this, but it is now down), docs for other programming languages.

The ideal is of course that all of this content is native to Gemini rather than accessed through proxies. However, proxies allow us to get on our feet quickly so that later the information can be transferred over to Gemini. What one could do is import information from a proxy into a capsule's database - this is the approach used by thestorygraph (a goodreads alternative on the web) and Godocs. This allows us to have all of the information the web has while also having this information stored in its own database so that it's not completely reliant on the web. The proxying would then just be used for importing information into the capsule.

Tags: #information #religion #starwars #github