____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ||m |||e |||t |||r |||o || ||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|| |/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\| ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ||h |||o |||l |||o |||g |||r |||a |||f |||i |||x || ||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|| |/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\| ═══════════════Temple of the Screaming Engineer═══╝
This is sortof like my answer to twitter/fedi - neither of which are very appealing to me atm. It's just a running log/braindump. No character limts, but updates will mostly be short.
A recent-ish subset of these will appear on the main page
Fuck the week kinda got away on me there. I've meant to update this page about a hundred times this week. Need to write a bash func that lets me do it quickly from my laptop instead of sshing to the server.
Anyways, another long week of working in the bedroom. Office is now all plastered and painted. I took the day off work yesterday and finished scraping up the horrible asbestos-backed lino out there, and now Mrs Finn is hard at work painting the floor. It's going to be a studio/office space so we're just sealing it up for now.
Outside the porch is almost done - I'll be painting it in the coming days. Then on goes some clearlite and guttering and this fucker will basically be watertight!
What else has been happening? Well, I listened to that new Baxter record about a thousand times. Ate some mushrooms recreationally in the weekend - Always a bit of a mood lifter for the subsequent days, which is nice.
I've worked on `g` a bit more. Currently dealing with a linewrapping/scroll problem because my stupid ass decided to write his own TUI libs instead of using ncurses or something. Hoping this will lead to me a) learning a bunch of stuff, and b) being able to implement inline images/graphics with the KiTTY graphics protocol.
Work is going okay - new boss above my Team Lead, but he seems like he'll be alright. Winding down for Christmas now, so not too much pressure.
Kiddo is back at school, so I'm looking forward to a quiet day in the house. Working out of the bedroom for the last week or two while builder/plasterer do things in the office. What a fucking drag - sleeping, working, and hanging out in the same 10 square feet for weeks on end starts to get old pretty quickly. Hopefully everything is sorted before the 6 week school holidays.
Last night I implemented `bat` for processing pre-formatted blocks in `g`. It's a little rough around the edges, but I landed on a solution that's actually quite efficient, and doesn't require any regex at all.
Well, I decided to rewrite `g` from scratch. It has some okay parts, but my ideas have moved on a lot since the last time I looked at this. The rewrite is going to focus on being modular/easy to extend/modify/hack.
For now I have a basic main() loop that is able to request a resource over gemini, and if it's gemtext, it parses/styles it with coloured headings, bullets, etc.
Next up, I'm going to try and colorize preformatted text using `bat`, and fallback to plain/preformatted text if there's no "```some-language" hint that matches a language `bat` is capable of rendering.
Another Monday.
Kid 1 off to school, kid 2 (annoyingly) home sick. Only 2 weeks to go until they're on their big summer break. Which is both great fun, and makes working from home really tricky for the 3 or so weeks where I'm working but they're still on holiday.
Hoping this week will be a bit quieter than the last couple work-wise. I made good overtime last weekend, but it's meant a 2 week stint with no break at all.
Todays list of shit:
☑ Fix an snmp issue on Debian for the boss
☑ Chase up a job with the networking team because an asshole customer is riding my ass about a job
☑ Swap over gas bottles before we run out
☑ Clean the goddamn kitchen
☑ Check out the new Czarface record - Czartificial Intelligence
Shit, looks like it's been alomst a year since I did any work on `g` - my cli gemini browser. Think I'm going to take another look at that
Sunday night. Another week of progress on the house, office lined, skip bin removed, porch 90% constructed. Took the kids to the Christmas parade + 10000 other things.