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Official Project Gemini capsule
Gemini Quickstart by Jason McBrayer
Harkening back to the days when Yahoo! was a company spelled with an exclamation point and information was organized heirarchically instead of via search engines, Gemhoo provides a heirarchically organized listing of capsules.
Computers & Internet (38 links)
Gemhoo's directory is hand-curated, as the smol/slow net should be. To submit a gemini capsule to this directory, drop your address in a quick email to capsuleer@gemhoo.zone with the subject line GEMHOO DIRECTORY SUBMISSION. You can suggest a categorization in your submission, although not all requests may be honored if they don't seem to fit. Empty capsules that just have 'hello world' or contact info content will not be added -- add a modicum of content first!
If you submit a personal capsule and link or list your real name, your real name will be used for the directory listing unless you request otherwise.
Do you see something wrong with an entry? Use the same address with the subject line GEMHOO DIRECTORY PROBLEM and detail the issue. If you don't like someone's capsule the directory links, please take it up with them, not me. This is just an unbiased (as possible) menu of choices, but don't consume content that will make you ill, here or in the real world.
Quote of the Day (QOTD) service
There are some excellent repostiories of historical content on the web that I will work on porting to gemini.
Made with ❤ by capsuleer@gemhoo.zone in Dallas, Texas.
I still remember what a modem sounds like.
Would you like to advertise on Gemhoo!? Too bad, this ain't the broken web, friend.
Gemhoo! is part of the 'low earth orbit' (LEO) ring of capsules. Check out the ring!
Uptime: 15:24:18.2149030