[] timwa% echo $HOME⮐
    /Uniunea Europeana/România/București


To my home in the Gemiverse (is that a word? It is now.)



After the *AI* Apocalypse

A second attempt at using AI to generate some captions for my photographs


Running NextCloud behind Cloudflare

Fixing an annoying little bug when running NextCloud behind CloudFlare


Throwing flowers on Java's grave

Rumours of Java's death may be greatly exaggerated, but an article I read had some good reasons why it might be searching for the exit... I have one more to add to the list.


The Internet's AI Bomb Spike

I don't know if you've noticed, but search engines got a lot less useful lately...


Developing E6 Slide Film at Home

A guide to developing E6 colour reversal slide film at home.


Alacritty Dynamic Configurations

Dynamically changing the configuration of Alacritty depending on shell conditions


Devtalks 2023 - Serving Serverless on your Own Servers

I'll be presenting at Bucharest's Romexpo in this summer's DevTalks developer conference


AVRoxide Release 0.4.0

The latest version of my OS for ATmega AVRs, AVRoxide, is now available - with drivers for storage and graphics devices.


Hero of the week: Patryk27

Rust compilation for AVR was broken for the longest time... Now it's not!


AVRoxide 0.3.0

A new release of AVRoxide, my OS for ATmega AVRs, is out - now with multithreading!


Subtle differences in interrupt handling on AVR microcontrollers

There are subtle differences between the way interrupts are handled on different AVR microcontrollers. I didn't see this written in plain English anywhere, so I'll have a go.


Finally: AVRoxide - a *working* Rust runtime for ATmega4809

It's been quite a few months' work, with many challenges along the way - but finally I'm pleased to announce that I have a working runtime for writing applications in Rust for the ATmega4809 microcontroller (and thus also for the Arduino Nano Every.)


You Won't Believe How to Make `rustc` Generate Working Optimised Code for ATmega4809

Until I discovered this trick, I couldn't build working ATmega4809 Rust code with anything other than optimisation level 1...


Working Rust code insight in CLion

Code insight/code completion in CLion doesn't work when you use a custom target.json - here's how to fix it


Finally, a Working Atmega4809 Debugger

(**Updated 2021/12/24**) Finding any debugging tools for the ATmega4809 is a massive chore. Finally, I've found one option that at least partially works.


On Convergence of Embedded and Server-Side Development

Embedded and server-side development skills have diverged over the last three decades. But maybe it's time we reversed that...


7th January 2021: The Day Rust on AVR Stood Still

How to get on with Rust development for AVR without being held up by a 9 month old bug


Introducing AVR Oxide

A Rust runtime for AVR development


Rust on Arduino Nano Every Part Two

More helpful developments in the ongoing challenge of getting anything useful done in Rust on the Arduino Nano Every microcontroller board.


A Linux Termios Reference

I've been fighting with Linux serial port programming lately, and one thing I've realised is that the Linux `termios` manpage is *terribly* formatted. Here's a nicer quick reference.


A crazy year, and help for Rust devs with JWT problems

Damn. Can you believe it's halfway through 2021 already? It's been a crazy busy year... Also inside, some small help to developers using Rust and actix-web.


The Argopalypse: Cloudflare Downtime

My more attentive readers (!) may have noticed there was downtime on the site the last couple of days. Here's why...


Fun With Fjords - Developing with Server Sent Events

My DevCon presentation on using Server Sent Events to develop efficient web platforms

Reflections on a Changing Industry

My piece in the latest SiGMA Magazine


ATF15xx VHDL Development on the Cheap

How to assemble a toolchain for configuring Atmel ATF15xx CPLDs using VHDL, without spending a fortune on licenses


Atmel CPLD Programmer Base

A 3D printable base for the Atmel/Microchip ATF15XX-DK3 CPLD development kit


Compiling Rust for the Arduino Nano Every - Part One

How to develop for the Arduino Nano Every AVR microcontroller board using the Rust programming language.


Makeable USB Microscope Stand

A home-printable USB microscope stand


Setting Up a Blender Rendering Node - Part 2

Part two of my instructions on how to set up a render 'farm' using Docker & Kubernetes


Snowgoons on Gemini

This definitely falls into the category of 'The Old New Thing' - I now have a home on the Gemini protocol.


Setting Up a Blender Rendering Node Using Docker - Part 1

Docker is a nice way to deploy an instance of Blender for rendering, but not without its pitfalls. Some tips here...


Zen and the Art of Cable Management

I expect you're looking at that thinking 'damn, I wish my cables were so tidy.' Well, now they can be...


Mastodon on Kubernetes

Here's a helm chart to help you host Mastodon on a Kubernetes cluster


3d Design Holiday

We're all trying to work out what to do with our holiday time in the Covid-19 world where travel is not much of an option. My answer was to take time off work to learn how to use Autodesk Fusion360 - and I'm willing to share the result...


Offloading Webapp Computation

An interesting paper in the current ACM Transactions on the Web


On Rockstar Developers

Spotted this week, a super interesting paper published by the ACM, 'Unveiling Elite Developers’ Activities in Open Source Projects'


SiGMA Deep Tech

Updated with video link - SiGMA Deep Tech...


TLS/SSL Is Broken

A rant...


Automated Image Processing in Hugo

A tip if you're struggling to get image processing working in Hugo


The lazy man's CAD

A tip for home hardware projects, if you're too lazy to draw your construction layouts using CAD...


Kubernetes logging

If you are hosting a Kubernetes environment, one of the most important things you need is a centralised logging solution. Read on for my recommendation on how to do it on the cheap.


Fixing Kubernetes TLS Errors

Are your Kubernetes logs full of errors like "TLS handshake error"? Maybe this will help.



You're probably wondering why I am writing this stuff.


From my disk to your browser...

I talked about the CMS I use last time round, but I didn't talk about how the content is actually published so you can read it. If you want to know how easy it is to deploy a static site with Docker/Kubernetes, read on...


DIY Cell Cracker


Tell me about your CMS

...I'm glad you asked. This site is a departure from my earlier sites, using a Static Site Generator instead of a traditional CMS like Wordpress. Read on for details...


What's this site hosted on?

A site this popular must be running on some pretty serious kit, right? Come and take a look.



Welcome to the latest iteration of the Snowgoons website. Click 'Read more' for all the fascinating history...

What's missing?

There's a few things missing from this site compared to the last iteration. Some of which I'm glad about...


About (and Tim Walls)
