111 - Games - Fireground (Northern Illinois Apple Users Group).dsk

112 - Games.dsk

165 - Diversi Copy, Diversi-Cache, Diversi-Key.dsk

165 - Games (oregon trail).dsk

170 - Home Utilities.dsk

171 - Home Utilities.dsk

172 - Financial Data.dsk

173 - Financial Data.dsk


214 - Misc Games.DSK

215 - Games, Wheel of Fortune.DSK

230 - MIT Solar Powered Car.DSK

236 - FIDO (Homer Brothers Software).DSK

241 - Database (by Tom Hellsten).DSK

242 - Advantage Computing's Best 100 (Disk 1).DSK

243 - Advantage Computing's Best 100 (Disk 2).DSK

244 - Advantage Computing's Best 100 (Disk 3).DSK

245 - Advantage Computing's Best 100 (Disk 4).DSK

246 - Advantage Computing's Best 100 (Disk 5).DSK

247 - Advantage Computing's Best 100 (Disk 6).DSK

248 - Advantage Computing's Best 100 (Disk 7).DSK

249 - Advantage Computing's Best 100 (Disk 8).DSK

286 - Word Power.DSK

287 - Monopoly v2.00.DSK

301 - Icewar.DSK

313 - Tetris 2.DSK

314 - Apple System Disk 3.2.DSK

327 - Macro Library Integrator.DSK

328 - Disk of the Month, Vol 1 No 3 (Computer Users of Prescott - Prescott Apple Corps).DSK

334 - Trivia Wizards Sampler.DSK

337 - Ready for Computers.DSK

338 - For Amusement Only (Micro Coop).DSK

339 - Macros.DSK

340 - Graphics, AppleWorks Text Portraits.DSK

341 - Wordsearch 4.0 (Side 1).DSK

342 - Wordsearch 4.0 (Side 2).DSK

359 - Sneeze v1.11.DSK

360 - Z-Link.DSK

363 - Columns IIe.DSK

364 - Macros.DSK

369 - The Struggle for Guadalcanal (Disk 1).DSK

370 - The Struggle for Guadalcanal (Disk 2).DSK

371 - The Struggle for Guadalcanal (Disk 3).DSK

372 - Tetris 2.DSK

375 - Lazertype.DSK

382 - Wonderland 2.DSK

387 - Business and Home.DSK

388 - Game.DSK

390 - Word Challenge.DSK

401 - The Rational Person.DSK

402 - Lost in the Universe.DSK

411 - Puzzle Games - Mindteasers 1.DSK

412 - Puzzle Games - Mindteasers 2.DSK

413 - Utilities.DSK

414 - AppleWorks Tips.DSK

419 - Mortgage.DSK

420 - Cookbook.DSK

425 - Utilities, use with AppleWorks 3.0.DSK

426 - Retirement.DSK

441 - Yo Yo Duck - Diagnostic Programs.DSK

442 - Yo Yo Duck.DSK

459 - AppleWorks Jigsaw and Anagrams.DSK

460 - Business Forms.DSK

461 - Education (Sunny Side Apple User's Club).DSK

462 - Computer Rollbook.DSK

469 - Home and Business.DSK

470 - Home and Business.DSK

527 - First Encounter (Software of the Month Club) Side 1.DSK

528 - First Encounter (Software of the Month Club) Side 2.DSK

535 - Religion.DSK

536 - Home Utilities.DSK

540 - Education.DSK

551 - Educational Programs (Apple for the Teacher & ABC Software).DSK

552 - Educational Programs.DSK

561 - Simple Sokoban.DSK

562 - Spreadsheet, 1993 Taxes.DSK

564 - Educational Games.DSK

565 - Math Games.DSK

566 - Nightfall II (astronomy software).DSK

668 - Games (Russ Nielson).DSK

669 - Games (Russ Nielson).DSK





ABC's by Class 82 (Public Domain Software Library of Assistive Technology Center).dsk

AIC Newstuff L001.do

AIC Newstuff L019 Ed's Plot Package v1.2.do




Advantage Computing Best 100 volume 3.dsk

Advantage Computing Best 100 volume 4.dsk

Advantage Computing Best 100 volume 5.dsk

Advantage Computing Best 100 volume 6.dsk

Apple Barrel Bushel #1 (1979 CDS corp).zip

Apple Core of Memphis - Disk of the Month - Disk 95 (Nov 1988) - Side 1.dsk

Apple Core of Memphis - Disk of the Month - Disk 95 (Nov 1988) - Side 2.dsk

Apple Orchard.zip

Apple PI Education Disk 2.dsk

Apple PI Education Disk 4.dsk

Apple Pi Music Disk 1.dsk

Apple Pi Music Disk 4.dsk

Apple SWAP Educational Clearinghouse disk 48.dsk

Apple SWAP Volume 13 - Games.dsk

Apple SWAP Volume 14 - Games.dsk

Apple SWAP Volume 35.dsk

Apple SWAP Volume 41 - games (requires Integer Basic).dsk

Apple SWAP Volume 42.dsk

Apple Swap disk 11.dsk

Apple Swap disk 12.dsk

Apple Swap disk 8.dsk

Apple Users Group Sydney Apple II Disks 1 thru 52.zip

Apple Users Group Sydney Disks 1 thru 52 README.txt

Apple Users Group Sydney Disks 1 thru 52.zip



Bike Jump and other programs.dsk



COACH Library Disk 01 (June-1981).DSK

COACH Library Disk 02 (December-1981).DSK

COACH Library Disk 04 (Jan-1982).DSK

COACH Library Disk 05 (Jan-1982).DSK

COACH Library Disk 08 (September-1982).DSK

COACH Library Disk 11 (September-1982).DSK

COACH Library Disk 12 (March-1983).DSK

COACH Library Disk 13 (June-1983).DSK

COACH Library Disk 15 (June-1983).DSK

COACH Library Disk 16 (June-1983).dsk

COACH Library Disk 17 (June-1983).DSK

COACH Library Disk 18 (June-1983).dsk

DOM 18B Digized Picture Disk 1 - Slideshow.DSK

Duncan Institute Library disk 1.dsk

Duncan Institute Library disk 10.dsk

Duncan Institute Library disk 2.dsk

Duncan Institute Library disk 3.dsk

Duncan Institute Library disk 4.dsk

Duncan Institute Library disk 6.dsk

Duncan Institute Library disk 7.dsk

Duncan Institute Library disk 9.dsk

E.A.C (Erie Apple Crunchers) disks.zip


Florida PC Library - Disk 3003.DSK

Florida PC Library - Disk 3009.DSK

Florida PC Library - Disk 3026.dsk

Florida PC Library - Disk 3079.DSK

Florida PC Library - Disk 3080.DSK

Florida PC Library - Disk 3135.dsk

Florida PC Library - Disk 3138.dsk

Florida PC Library - Disk Free Space, Address Info, and other programs.dsk

Green Mountain Apple Club Burlington Vermount Disk (PD).DSK

Holston Apple Computer Club - Disk of the Month, Feb 1985.dsk

Hot Cider volume 1.dsk

Hot Cider volume 2.dsk

ICS Public Domain.dsk

MM.GS1091 - Maze Games.dsk

MM.GS1144 - Seven Games of Numeric Dexterity.dsk

MM.LA1015 - My Spelling Test.dsk

MM.LA1065 - Antonyms and Synonyms.dsk

MM.LA1266 - Super Sam.dsk

MM.MA1000 - Music Maker.dsk

MM.ME1012 - Willie Worm.dsk

MM.ME1014 - Arithmetic Tac Dough.dsk

MM.ME1058 - Arithmatutor.dsk

MM.ME1063 - Making Change 1 and 2.dsk

MM.ME1095 - Super Math.dsk

MM.ME1118 - Monster Fractions.dsk

MM.ME1169 - Multiply Fractions.dsk

MM.ME1188 - Balloon Math.dsk

MM.ME1203 - Math Quiz.dsk

MM.MS1044 - The Colt Race and Balloon Fractions.dsk

MM.SS1008 - U.S. History.dsk

MM.SS1010 - Oregon.dsk

MM.SS1176 - American History.dsk

Newstuff L039.do

Newstuff L048.do

PD - AAA - Passion 190.do

PD - AAA - Passion 191.do

PD compilation - Alivader, Lunar-Lander, Death Star, etc.dsk


PDE Collection.DSK

Passtime 196.do

ProDOS Programs - Portland, Oregon Apple II User Group - Oct 15 1994.dsk

Public Domain - AAA Art And Graphic 010 (AAA-1981).dsk

Public Domain - AAA Art And Graphic 012 (AAA-1981).dsk

Public Domain - AAA Art And Graphic 014 (AAA-1981).dsk

Public Domain - AAA Art And Graphic 019 [No Boot] (AAA-1981).dsk

Public Domain - AAA Astronomy 028 (AAA-1981).dsk

Public Domain - AAA New Stuff L068 [No Boot] (AAA-198x).dsk

Public Domain - AAA New Stuff L069 [No Boot] (AAA-198x).dsk

Public Domain - AAA New Stuff L070 [No Boot] (AAA-198x).dsk

Public Domain - AAA New Stuff L071 [No Boot] (AAA-198x).dsk

Public Domain - AAA New Stuff L072 [No Boot] (AAA-198x).dsk

Public Domain - AAA New Stuff L073 [No Boot] (AAA-198x).dsk

Public Domain - AAA New Stuff L074 [No Boot] (AAA-198x).dsk

Public Domain - AAA New Stuff L075 [No Boot] (AAA-198x).dsk

Public Domain - Computer Learning Center Apple Tutor 001 [no boot].DSK

Public Domain - HAAUG Volume 1A1 (1982).dsk

Public Domain - Peel Industries Utility 3 (198x).dsk

Public Domain - Utility 028 - Integer Basic (198x).DSK

Public Domain - Utility Programs [no boot].DSK

Public Domain Astronomy disk 1.dsk

Public Domain Astronomy disk 3.dsk

Public Domain Software DISK 1.dsk

Public Domain Software DISK 2.dsk

Public Domain Software DISK 3.dsk

Public Domain Software DISK 4.dsk

Public Domain Software DISK 5.dsk

Public Domain Software DISK 6.dsk

Public Domain Software DISK 7.dsk

Public Domain Software on File - Art Collection, Graphics Poutpourri.dsk

Public Domain Software on File - Eternal Calendar, Jane's Timer.dsk

Public Domain Software on File - Happy Birthday, Exotic Sounds.dsk


SMUG-3 - various programs.dsk




TCEA Public Domain Software disk 78.dsk

The Byte Shop This Side Loads Integer Plus Sample Programs 11-1-1984.dsk

The Byte Shop of Merrick - Program Library Disk 1A 8-9-84 SIde A.dsk

The Byte Shop of Merrick - Program Library Disk 1A 8-9-84 SIde B.dsk

The Byte Shop of Merrick - Program Sound's Disk 2A- date 8-11-84 Side A.dsk

The Byte Shop of Merrick - Program of the Month - 1984.dsk

Utility 217.do

Utility 220.do








apples british columbia games.zip




