Climate change: Copenhagen in graphics

2009-11-24 05:40:09

Where do greenhouse gas emissions come from?

Which countries are most responsible for causing human-induced climate change?

And have governments pledged tough enough cuts so far to keep the global

average temperature rise within "safe limits"?

As the UN summit in Copenhagen approaches, we look at the past, present and

possible futures of climate change.

Global emissions have risen steadily in recent decades.

But when trying to assign "responsibility" for causing climate change, how

should they be measured?

Populous developing countries such as China and India have relatively high

overall emissions - comparable with many developed countries.

But each of their citizens produces a much smaller amount than counterparts in

regions such as North America or Western Europe.

Countries that industrialised early and grew rich early because of that

industrialisation, such as the UK, Germany and the US, have a higher

"historical footprint".

In some peoples' eyes, this gives them a higher responsibility for curbing the


A number of academic teams have calculated how emissions are likely to rise in

the next few decades, and what that is likely to mean in terms of rising


Their projections are not exact because there are many sources of uncertainty

in the calculations, including the exact relationship between greenhouse gas

levels and temperature rise.

A number of developed countries and blocs have set targets for cutting their

emissions, some of which depend on what other countries do.

The EU, for example, will cut emissions by 20% from 1990 levels - but if there

is a global deal, that will rise to 30%.

Some developing nations have also pledged to reduce the rate at which their

emissions are growing.

If implemented, are these curbs enough to keep the global average temperature

rise below 2C - the target adopted by G8, the EU and a number of major

developing countries?

According to the European Climate Foundation analysis - and others -

commitments made so far are probably not enough to meet the G8 target.

This shortfall is one of the issues likely to be highlighted during the

Copenhagen conference.