100 words of English: How far can it get you?

2011-03-30 11:41:14

By Peter Jackson BBC News

England's Italian football manager Fabio Capello claims he can manage his

players with just 100 words. So how far could you get with a vocabulary of that


100 words

Despite his sometimes colourful language, communicating with Wayne Rooney does

not require a Shakespearean command of English.

That's just as well, as the England manager has admitted he's having problems

learning some of the basics.

"If I need to speak about the economy or other things, I can't speak," he told


"But when you speak about tactics, you don't use a lot of words. I don't have

to speak about a lot of different things. Maximum 100 words."

In Capello's defence, his vocabulary appears to be far wider than 100 words.

But how far would such a limited knowledge take you?

For Peter Howarth, deputy director of Leeds University's language centre,

Capello's defence of his language skills looks shaky.

"It's a ridiculously small number, you could learn 100 words in a couple of

days, particularly when you're in the country surrounded by the language," he


"People do say that from a learners point of view, English is relatively easy

to use without too much grammar... but Fabio Capello needs a range, presumably,

and to communicate emotions and a bit of nuance."

20,000 words

He says when you start to learn English, it's fairly easy to get some kind of

meaning across - which is why the language has spread so widely - but people

end up speaking "tourist English".

"A hundred words wouldn't get you beyond some very familiar situations in a

phrase book - a weekend in London, how to get a hotel room or order a meal," he


"A lot of us have done that in foreign countries: managed to get by, but in a

pretty limited range of situations."

A grasp of 1,500 words is needed to communicate at an intermediate level with

"some range", he suggests.

Estimates for the average size of a person's vocabulary vary, but TV

lexicographer and dictionary expert Susie Dent says it's about 20,000 active

words and 40,000 passive ones.

She says it's important to distinguish between the active words we know and use

and those we might know but don't use.

"Of course 100 words is limiting, but it's important to stress his [Capello's]

passive language, otherwise how would he handle press conferences?" she says.

"It may be that for simple instruction on the pitch, 100 words is all he needs,

it's not as absurd as perhaps it looks at face value."

She says the 100 most frequently used words - predominantly Old English - form

the bedrock of everyday language.

Ripe v mature

But according to Fiona Douglas, an English language lecturer at Leeds

University, that figure is still well short of the number of words even a basic

foreign language student usually commands.

She says advanced students using learner dictionaries to grasp the most

frequently used and useful words, typically master around 7,500, and basic

learners about 2,000.

NHS guidelines suggest that by two years old, toddlers can say around 100 words

and start putting them into short sentences.

Ms Douglas questioned whether somebody with just 100 words at their disposal

would be able to form sentences with full grammatical syntax structures.

"Perhaps they would just concentrate on nouns or verbs like 'football', 'kick'

or 'harder'," she says.

"It seems very optimistic that you could get by on that number, but then do

people know what their active lexicon is? It's quite a hard question to


Part of the problem when learning a language is understanding the context in

which words should be used, she adds.

"If you read a dictionary, the words 'old', 'ripe' and 'mature' share something

in meaning," she says.

"If you called an older woman 'mature' you might get away with it, but if you

called her 'ripe' you might get a cuff round the ear.

"It's about learning how and when to use the vocabulary, which is why learner

dictionaries are very useful."