The man who caught S&P's $2 trillion error

2011-08-09 08:08:44

By David A. Graham | The Daily Beast Sun, Aug 7, 2011

It was quick thinking by a little-known Treasury functionary that nearly saved

the U.S. credit rating on Friday but didn t quite.

After Standard and Poor's informed the government of its intention to downgrade

the national rating from a pristine AAA to AA+, Treasury officials in

Washington huddled to look over the ratings agency s draft press release. It

was reportedly John Bellows who noticed within minutes that S&P had made a

glaring error that placed its calculations about the U.S. deficit off by about

$2.1 trillion.

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner quickly pushed back at S&P, pointing to the

error. The agency acknowledged its mistake, then said it was charging ahead

with the ratings change anyway. Later that evening, it officially downgraded

American debt.

The tense Friday has cast the spotlight on Bellows, who is the acting assistant

secretary for economic policy. After spotting the error, he took to the

Treasury Department blog Saturday to blast S&P s decision in dry but biting

language. After Treasury pointed out this error a basic math error of

significant consequence S&P still chose to proceed with their flawed judgment

by simply changing their principal rationale for their credit rating decision

from an economic one to a political one, he wrote.

The mistake itself is enough to make any non-budget expert s head ache. The

short version is that S&P miscalculated the share of GDP that public debt would

reach by 2021 by using the wrong assumption, or baseline about budgetary

matters. The correct projection, as calculated by the nonpartisan Congressional

Budget Office, would produce a difference of $2.1 trillion less in debt. S&P

responded that, in essence, it didn t matter the number was large enough to

merit the downgrade, especially given the political paralysis that has gripped


Who is Bellows? Although the Treasury official was not available for comment on

Sunday and has kept quiet outside of his Treasury blog post, The Wall Street

Journal wrote that his ambiguous title acting assistant secretary for economic

policy underplayed his importance as a key Geithner adviser and budget expert.

But Bellows story is as much about the increasing inability of Congress to

confirm key appointees as it is about the inherent inscrutability of

bureaucratic titles.

Since October 2010, Bellows has headed the Office of Economic Policy, which

tracks economic trends both at home and abroad, reports to the Treasury

secretary, and helps produce the annual government budget. He got the title of

acting assistant treasury secretary when Assistant Treasury Secretary Alan

Krueger, a Princeton economist, stepped down to return to teaching after

serving in the job since nearly the start of President Obama s term. Obama didn

t nominate a successor until May 3 of this year, but the nominee Northwestern

University finance professor Janice Eberly still hasn t been confirmed,

although she was given a hearing on July 28 (PDF).

Republicans in the Senate have pledged to block many of those nominated for

government posts by President Obama, including dozens of top economic jobs. For

many, the most absurd example is Peter Diamond, who despite holding a Nobel

Prize in economics was forced to withdraw his nomination to the Federal Reserve

Board of Governors due to Republican holds that prevented his confirmation. But

while those fights get sporadic attention, the result is that officials like

Bellows take over top jobs on interim bases that end up stretching on for

months and months.

Prior to Bellows star turn this weekend, his name mostly appeared as the

author of academic papers or on blog posts touting rather esoteric subjects

such as reviving Build America Bonds or the stimulative effects of unemployment

insurance. Treasury did not respond to requests for information about Bellows

prior work and qualifications.

Still, Bellows' refusal to pull any punches has ignited a firestorm not

surprising given his caustic language. As anybody who has followed the fiscal

discussions knows, a change of this magnitude is very significant, Bellows

said. Nonetheless, S&P did not believe a mistake of this magnitude was

significant enough to warrant reconsidering their judgment, or even significant

enough to warrant another day to carefully re-evaluate their analysis.

That, along with similar comments from Gene Sperling, the much-better-known

chair of the president s economic council, prompted a harsh pushback from S&P.

Responding to attacks, the agency summoned reporters for an unusual weekend

conference call with John Chambers, the chief of its sovereign ratings team.

Chambers defended his company s decision mostly on political grounds. The

debacle over the debt ceiling continued until almost the midnight hour, he

said. For those who follow the fiscal situation of the United States, this

shouldn t be news to anyone.

Bellows has also come under fire from outside. Stanford economist John Taylor,

a leading conservative voice in the discipline, took issue with Bellows, saying

S&P s assumptions about the rate of growth of federal debt may have been

different from the Treasury s but were hardly outlandish. Since when did

different views or assumptions about the future become a math error? Taylor

wrote on his blog. There are of course reasons to dispute the downgrade

decision of S&P, but a math error is not one of them. It would be more

productive for government officials to move on and to use their time to find

ways to reform taxes or entitlements [and] fix the exploding debt problem.

Meanwhile, S&P has warned that it could further downgrade American debt soon.

If that happens, Treasury officials will likely be looking to John Bellows to

check the agency s math and make clear his displeasure if they err.