2012-10-15 12:23:57
Bob Nelson, May 1, 1999
Water wars. Consider this way to help a group adhere to ground rules it has
previously agreed to: Give group members toy squirt guns and authorize everyone
to use them on someone who isn't abiding by a rule. (This works best outdoors,
of course.)
Make it more meaningful. Incorporate a sense of fun into your corporate award
presentations to keep them from being cookie-cutter experiences and to make the
awards more memorable for recipients at no additional expense. For example,
have a chorus sing a letter of praise, have a treasure hunt or a drawing, crown
someone with paper clips, or create a bulletin board devoted to each reward
recipient and ask for written contributions from the entire staff.
Start out right. At Business First in Louisville, Ky., the advertising
department sends a broadcast voice mail daily with a motivational message -- a
joke, a success story, or whatever helps employees enjoy what they do for a
A soapy celebration. Hire high school students to wash employees' cars in the
parking lot.
Keep meetings on track. Microage Computer in Tempe, Ariz., charges latecomers
to meetings $1 each and distributes the money to those who were on time. Other
companies use a coin bank and charge meeting attendees a quarter for
interruptions, tangential comments, and so forth, using the money later for
team celebrations.
Copyright 1999 Bob Nelson, used with permission of the author. All rights
reserved. Excerpted from Bob Nelson's Rewarding Employees newsletter.