Living longer better

2013-03-01 11:34:44

By Peter Bowes BBC News, Los Angeles

Every year, the number of elderly people increases in both developed and

developing countries, thanks to modern medicine's genius for pushing back the

frontiers of death. But is longevity necessarily a good thing?

In California, fitness is taken to extremes. There are shops in image-obsessed

Beverly Hills packed with pills and potions to extend life. In Santa Monica

there are so many fitness boot camps and yoga sessions taking place in public

parks that local officials are considering a clampdown.

"In California you see people exercising at 05:15 and it's either great for

them or it is part of a really neurotic psychosis where they're desperately

unhappy because they're getting older," says Ed Saxon, who produced the film

Fast Food Nation in 2006.

"The 55-year-old imagining that they look like a 25-year-old and getting

surgery or fanatically exercising to do so - it all strikes me as a bad idea.

"The obsession with looking younger than you are means you are denying reality

and you are probably denying your own value in some way."

Alongside the craze for fitness goes the ever-changing advice on what to eat to

stay young. Should I have blueberries, a kale smoothie, or gluten-free toast

for breakfast? And is red wine good for me or not? And what about chocolate?

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American author Susan Jacoby

Most people who live into their 90s die after an extended period of disability

Susan Jacoby author of Never Say Die

It can be bewildering, but the goal is clear - death must be delayed as long as


"In the US it's almost taken for granted that longevity is a good thing," says

Susan Jacoby, the author of Never Say Die.

"A lot of this irrational belief that there are things that you can do to buy

insurance against getting older and diseased has to do with our real dislike,

in America, of growing older."

Jacoby, who is 67, argues against the "lifestyle garbage" and "supplement

garbage" that she says the age-management business is promoting.

"If you look beneath the people who are telling you that you can live to be a

healthy 120, there's a guy or a woman who's selling something," she adds.

The fact is, most people who live into their 90s die after "an extended period

of disability", Jacoby argues

"We're just accepting this myth that because we're healthier than ever at 67,

it is going to be the case at 87 or 97. But what is true - thanks to some of

the dubious advances of modern medicine, which keep people alive no matter what

- is that there is going to have to be more thought about taking care of these


This challenge for policymakers has a corollary for every one of us. Do we want

to live longer, if that means a longer period of age-related illness?

In 1980, James Fries, a professor of medicine at Stanford University outlined a

vision in The New England Journal of Medicine of a society where chronic

illness could be postponed and shortened. In this society, people would live a

full healthy life and then die relatively quickly, decreasing the total amount

of lifetime disability.

Fries called this "compressed morbidity" and his work has been credited with

moulding the modern paradigm for healthy ageing.

The trouble is that it's easier to advise patients how to lengthen their

healthy lives, than how to shorten any period of declining health.

Joseph and Anne Gias are a healthy couple in their 60s, but they worry about

the ravages of old age.

"I don't want to live past 80," says Anne. "I think that between the ages of 80

and 85, people deteriorate a lot. I've seen a lot of mental deterioration in

that age group and I don't want that for myself."

Despite Anne Gias's fears there are examples of very long healthy lives.

When Besse Cooper died last December, at 116, she was the world's oldest living


According to reports she was in "amazing" health and never complained of being

in pain.

She lived an active life and refused to eat junk food.

On her last day, she had a large breakfast, had her hair set and enjoyed

watching a Christmas video with friends.

She died peacefully in the early afternoon after suffering from breathing


Ms Cooper is a rare but fine example of compressed morbidity - a long, healthy

life and a good death.