Barefoot running injury concern

2013-05-16 10:52:05

By Helen Briggs BBC News

The trend for barefoot running could lead to injuries in some runners, a small

study suggests.

The way you run is more important than whether you wear running shoes or not,

say scientists in Taiwan.

The rationale behind barefoot running is to move in a more natural way, with

the front of the foot hitting the ground first.

But not all runners manage to adopt this style, putting added strain on

muscles, scientific data suggests.

Claims that human feet are naturally designed to run bare on the ground, not in

modern cushioned running shoes, have led to many runners trying out barefoot


A study, published in Gait & Posture, looked at the effects of different

striking patterns for both styles of running, to assess the likely impact on

running injuries.

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Habitually shod runners may be subject to injury more easily when they run

barefoot and continue to use their heel strike pattern

Yo Shih and colleagues National Taiwan Normal University

Sports scientists at National Taiwan Normal University tested 12 male runners

on a treadmill.

After a warm-up they were assessed while running in one of four ways - barefoot

landing heel first, barefoot landing forefoot first, and the same styles while

wearing trainers.

Tests were carried out to look at their gait, muscle activity and the likely

impact on running injuries.

The scientists found that runners can gain more shock absorption by changing

their striking pattern to a forefoot strike, either in shoes or without.

Runners who are used to wearing shoes may, however, be more susceptible to

injuries when they run barefoot if they carry on running with the heel hitting

the ground first.

Yo Shih and colleagues write: "Habitually shod runners may be subject to injury

more easily when they run barefoot and continue to use their heel strike


Alex Bliss, a sports scientist at the University of Brighton, said the study

suggested that changing the mechanics of your stride - from heel strike to toe

strike - alters the demands placed on the muscles in the calf and shin.

"This would perhaps suggest that foot strike pattern plays a critical role in

muscular activation of the lower leg musculature, regardless of footwear or

barefoot," he told BBC News.

"However, the study does have limitations in that it employs small subject

numbers of [unreported] cardiovascular fitness and training background, and

also comprises of running at a single speed of 9km/h [5mph]."