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馃憢 Elixir enthusiast
馃實 ohio
馃棧 Followers 2 路 Following 4 路 Logs 6 路 Docked 11 months ago
I'm looking for some new podcasts to listen too - comment with your favs
馃挰 7 Replies 路 1 Thumb 路 3 months ago
Finally got my Gemsite up and running in parallel with my http site gemini://silbernagel.dev/
馃挰 2 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 3 months ago
My company, GetThru, just opened a couple of remote dev roles. It鈥檚 a great company that is dedicated to progressive values. We have an awesome engineering team that loves #elixir.鈥↙et me know if you apply and want to use my name as a reference. 鈥﹉ttps://getthru.freshteam.com/jobs
馃挰 0 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 3 months ago
love this gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/article?https%3A%2F%2Fpluralistic.net%2F2023%2F08%2F03%2Fthere-is-no-cloud%2F%23linkdump
馃挰 4 Replies 路 2 Thumbs 路 3 months ago
Took a hike today to see a glacier and was treated to an adult Moose and her calf wading through a lake! It was an amazing site.
馃挰 0 Replies 路 8 Thumbs 路 3 months ago
Currently on vacation in Glacier National Park and it is breathtaking! We stood on the continental divide which was awesome..