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[ANN] Schapcom

Sandra Snan sandra.snan at idiomdrottning.org

Wed Jan 6 14:28:52 GMT 2021

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Schapcom is a feed aggregator for Gemini similar to CAPCOM.

Schapcom is written in Chicken Scheme using a ton of libraries so it'snot lightweight in that regard. It's just a quick fix to get somethingto work.

Schapcom uses a three-tiered model of Feeds→Curators→Aggregated Feeds.


Schapcom is compatible with both Gemfeed and Gmisub feed formats.


https://tildegit.org/solderpunk/gemfeed Gemfeed=
gemini://calcuode.com/gmisub-readme.gmi Gmisub

Feeds are Atom feeds (a la Gemfeed) or gmisub feeds.


Curators set up lists of URLs of such feeds that they wanna follow. Eachline needs to end with .xml or .gmi, and this list of URLs should be ina text file, one url per line, no other lines, no comments no header nonothing, and end with a .txt file ending. The list of URLs can be ongemini or on http / https, to minimize the amount of work that curatorsneed to do. They only need to be able to host a text file, anywhere.


Each Schapcom instance is then pointed to a list of such lists. Itwrites a gmi file (similar to CAPCOM's output format) and thenterminates. It shows duplicates-deleted union of entries so it's fine ifa feed is accidentally entered twice, or entered in multiple formats, orif an entry shows up several times or in several feeds.

So the intent is that a curator's list of follows can be read and usedby several Schapcom instances.

Finding cool feeds to follow is hard work, so leveraging each other'swork around that is the idea.

Run from cron or manually.

schapcom [curator-url1] [curator-url2] [curator-url3]


For a repo, git clone https://idiomdrottning.org/schapcom