Sean Conner sean at
Fri Jan 8 04:31:30 GMT 2021
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It was thus said that the Great Mansfield once stated:
I've been 'thus said'ed!! :-D Thank you.
You're welcome.
On Thu, Jan 7, 2021 at 1:03 AM Sean Conner <sean at> wrote:
I know the US (since I live there) tries to make a distinction between a
"publisher" and a "platform" and one of the differences comes down to
moderation---do too much and you can fall into the "publisher" category
which makes you more liable for what is said than if you are in the
"platform" category. Too little moderation and, as you say, is also
I'm not too worried - and now I can see how attempts to find a desirable
outcome from constricting and controlling too much might lead to an
undesirable outcome anyway if the situation is seen as more-like-publisher.
Good food for thought. I get the sense that you would lean more toward
little to no moderation, which can make sense. From the little that I've
seen, I *think* that if I wanted an 'account' on your gemini server I would
need to email you. Are you able to keep up with the invites, or, said
another way, do you sometimes wish you weren't in the middle?
If you are talking about this link:
then no one has ever asked for access. So in that sense, yes, I've beenable to keep up with the subscription rate. It was more of a way for me totest client certificates than anything else.
I'm not sure if you can read the link if you aren't a member.
The link worked fine for me and I'm not a member. Interesting that there
seem to be a dozen to a few dozen 'moderation actions' a week.
Cool. So you can get an idea for how that works then.