easrng easrng at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 18:13:22 GMT 2021
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On January 27, 2021 3:55:41 AM UTC, Russtopia <rmagee at gmail.com> wrote:
I do feel like there should be some explicit allowance for one-of
types and boolean types, to give a client app hints as to what 'widgets'
to best use to present the valid values to the user (eg., drop-downs or
choose a-b-c-d for a text-based client, and checkboxes). IMHO.
I agree that there should me checkboxes, but I think radio buttons are morein the spirit of Gemini than menus.
RE: Keeping Gemini simple, what if forms were a separate MIME type liketext/form+gemini? I think forms are important to have because unlike ex.file uploads I don't know if there is another lightweight solution. Theonly options I can think of for form filling and submission are PDF forms,but those are only really usable in Acrobat and HTML forms, which I supposewe could serve over Gemini but often require JavaScript to function.-------------- next part --------------An HTML attachment was scrubbed...URL: <https://lists.orbitalfox.eu/archives/gemini/attachments/20210127/5cb5f193/attachment.htm>