๐Ÿ‘ฝ bavarianbarbarian

folks, what do you think about the term 'hacking'? despite about computers, in my opinion, it is to be creative with things that are not supposed for their use, like to cook sausages in the coffee machine. it's just about to think more over the 'tellerrand' (don't know how to translate this). over the gap?

9 months ago ยท ๐Ÿ‘ prk, jsreed5, jo, crusom, ttocsneb


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2 Replies

๐Ÿ‘ฝ bavarianbarbarian

nailed it!! that's what i think what is hacking. ยท 9 months ago

๐Ÿ‘ฝ jsreed5

Hacking is a wonderful term to those who do it, both in the computing world and outside it. It's an exploration of new ideas, like a little kid learning about the world; it's pushing the boundaries of how things work, asserting agency and challenging existing systems; it's pioneering inventive solutions to sticky problems, possibly providing a much better way of doing things (cheaper, cleaner, more ethical, etc.). The world needs hackers. ยท 9 months ago