Sandra Snan sandra.snan at
Fri Feb 12 14:25:15 GMT 2021
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Revisiting this issue, I want to clarify what my position was and is.
Bogan's case is that you don't want to be doing a bunch of 301s&31s fromunslashed to slashed all day every day.
I agree with that, and my site was definitely borked (both on HTTPS andGemini) for being set up to do just that.
Bogan's solution is that you add slashes to links.
I am not onboard with that solution but have now found another solution.Instead of 301/31, the unslashed versions will now serve the textdirectly.
This is what I intended all along, I just could not figure out how to doit properly because I am secretly really bad at computers^W beingmotivated to hack on server stuff.
In the future I might add 301/31 from slashed to unslashed, since that'sthe canonical version. That's a project for another day though.
Thanks to everyone for their patience with how messed up my capsule hasbeen.
Sandra Snan <sandra.snan at> writes:
That might be me.
I am already aware of Bogan's case, I read it back in 2002.
I find the arguments for slashless more convincing than the arguments against.
Please just change that setting in the client.
Thank you♥
mailinglists at writes:
Background reading:
In the above article, Dan Bogan makes a case for adding slashes to the end of all URLs.† I thought it was convincing, so that's how I've been rolling for years.
One of my current favorite Gemini clients, by default, alerts the user when following a link and gives the user an option to continue or abort the navigation.
One of the capsules I visit from both CAPCOM and Spacewalk has links that are all trailing-slashless. Not only are the links in CAPCOM/Spacewalk slashless, but the intra-capsule links are as well.
Should I be sending a polite change request to the author of the capsule, to the maintainer of the Gemini client, to both, or neither? At least with the Gemini client, I could send along a patch to change the default.
† Time and CMS changes have not been good to the article. You'll need to hover over the links in the code snippets and look at your link-preview bar/popup to see what he's talking about.