text at sdfeu.org text at sdfeu.org
Sun Feb 21 20:29:28 GMT 2021
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On Sun, 21 Feb 2021 19:51:39 +0000, Oliver Simmons wrote:
This isn't headers of any sort, it's document metadata, similar to
HTML's <head> and <meta>.
I loved Opera's native navigation support for HTML's rel prev/next tags.
https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/SPSD-html32-20180315/#link states:
LINK provides a media independent method for defining relationships with other documents and resources. LINK has been part of HTML since the very early days, although few browsers as yet take advantage of it (most still ignore LINK elements).
https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11515888 has some comments on it:
Literally one of the greatest things about the Opera browser was that you could browse an entire forum or whatever (longform article etc) with the Space key