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[SPEC] Backwards-compatible metadata in Gemini

aaronleonard aaronleonard at risingthumb.xyz

Wed Feb 24 14:36:22 GMT 2021

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Hi all,

First time posting on this mail list or any mail list for that matter.Let me know if I'm responding on it incorrectly. Just sharing mythoughts on metadata. I personally don't think metadata should beincluded in the same way that HTML uses metadata with <meta> tags.

Metadata is only useful if something about the file format demands itbe meta. For audio or video formats I can see this being the case asaside from file name(which would be a very messy and not very universalway to include it) there's not much a person can do. Gemtext doesn'tsuffer this issue, a person can write the date written, published andthe author(s if there's more than one) in a way that fits best with thedocument. If this data is omitted, then usually the author chose to omitit as that data isn't relevant to the content displayed on the page. Onthis point, a lot of the metadata included in websites, is very much avictim of the same thing, it should be data included directly with thecontent if it's relevant... and it seems a lot of the metadatas that areincluded are completely irrelevant to the content. Convince me otherwise

Only benefit seems to be to bots/softwares involving gemtext such asclients, search engines or scrapers- and it would require creating astandard for the metadata that someone would have to maintain, andoutreach to get people to adopt the standard in writing gemtexts and inwriting their clients- plus it encroaches a little bit on how long aperson should spend to write a gemini client of their own. That's a lotof stuff just to have metadata that should be included as data in thedocument.

For the reasons above, I'm relatively indifferent to metadata but thinkit's a fair lot of time to pursue(at least to the same degree as <meta>tags have gone). Personally, if a person was to create and adopt astandard, I'd use it if it's useful AND human-readable.

Cheers mates,- Aaron