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[SPEC] Backwards-compatible metadata in Gemini

Oliver Simmons oliversimmo at gmail.com

Wed Feb 24 23:48:42 GMT 2021

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On Wed, 24 Feb 2021, 21:14 Julien Blanchard, <julien at typed-hole.org> wrote:

Dunno, I guess I expected this protocol was for humans to publish stufffirst and computed stuff around it was a possibility, not a goal butapparently Iā€™m wrong.

You're correct, Gemtext is designed to be a human-centric format, but alsovery easy for computers to parse.Whilst it's uses might not all be, the metadata should also follow this.Think of metadata as like the front and back page of a book, it tells yousome extra info about it, but isn't the contents itself. In a virtualbookstore (Gemini space) machines can take advantage of what's on thebook's covers and info pages to help you navigate or improve how youinteract with the books.

(Really sorry Oliver for polluting your proposal)

Please don't worry about this, this is a mailing list and discussion iswhat we do.This isn't just for *my* proposal, we should be collaborating to createsomething that fits everyone (or deciding we don't need it or somethingelse is better).

Most of what I'm trying to say is either correcting people, and discussingthe *formats* for the metadata.

There are really multiple discussions going on here:1. The format and spec for metadata.2. What would be allowed/counts as metadata?3. What would we use it for? / Is it really something we should have?

1&2 are linked together tightly.2&3 are also linked.1&3 are seperate.

Which creates quite the ruckus šŸ˜…

I've done that thing where I blabber about unnecessary stuff again so I'llstop here.

(Again sorry about HTML mail, the GMail mobile app is balls, gonna see if Ican find something else)-------------- next part --------------An HTML attachment was scrubbed...URL: <https://lists.orbitalfox.eu/archives/gemini/attachments/20210224/43c75b91/attachment-0001.htm>