Suggestions for a Gemini server

Jason Evans <jsevans (a)>

Hi all,

I've been running molly-brown for some time and I really like its
flexibility when it comes to handling funky mime types. I've been hosting
a gemini mirror to for a while and lot of these files have 
file extensions but they are actually all plain text files. With molly, I
can define mime types like this:

"atom.xml$" = "application/atom+xml"
"rss.xml$" = "application/rss+xml"
".$" = "text/plain"
".gmi$" = "text/gemini"
".tgz$" = "application/gzip"
".zip$" = "application/zip"
".tar.gz$" = "application/gzip"

That way anything that isn't defined is automatically assumed to be
"text/plain" which works great for me.

I tried using gmnisrv and it has some wonderful features like certificate
generation and the ability to create multiple capsules however, custom
mime types must be managed manually which means that I would probably need
to rename every file in the textfiles collection to .txt or .gmi which I
really don't want to do.

I'm looking for suggestions for a server that can give me all of these
functions together in one place. Thanks!

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Omar Polo <op (a)>

Jason Evans <jsevans at> writes:

> Hi all,
> I've been running molly-brown for some time and I really like its
> flexibility when it comes to handling funky mime types. I've been hosting
> a gemini mirror to for a while and lot of these files
> have random
> file extensions but they are actually all plain text files. With molly, I
> can define mime types like this:
> [MimeOverrides]
> "atom.xml$" = "application/atom+xml"
> "rss.xml$" = "application/rss+xml"
> ".$" = "text/plain"
> ".gmi$" = "text/gemini"
> ".tgz$" = "application/gzip"
> ".zip$" = "application/zip"
> ".tar.gz$" = "application/gzip"
> That way anything that isn't defined is automatically assumed to be
> "text/plain" which works great for me.
> I tried using gmnisrv and it has some wonderful features like certificate
> generation and the ability to create multiple capsules however, custom
> mime types must be managed manually which means that I would probably need
> to rename every file in the textfiles collection to .txt or .gmi which I
> really don't want to do.
> I'm looking for suggestions for a server that can give me all of these
> functions together in one place. Thanks!

shameless self-promotion :)

I've never used molly brown nor gmnisrv, but my server gmid[0] has
location blocks and settings customizable per-location block.  That
means that you can either

	server "" {
		cert "..."
		key "..."
		root "..."

		# set the default mime to text/plain
		default type "text/plain"

or even

	server "" {
		cert "..."
		key "..."
		root "..."

		location "/text-files/*" {
			default type "text/plain"

to change the `default type' only for files that matches "/text-file/*".
It's also possible to define custom mime-types per extensions using the
`map mime-type to-ext extension', see the manpage for usage and

Regarding the automatic renewal of certificates, there's nothing in the
current last version (v1.7.5) but in -master there's an helper script in
contrib/ to automatically renew the certificates (it's meant to be ran
from a crontab or similar) and I'd like to tag the 1.8 with the new

[0]: gemini://

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