Forgot to reply-all, so this didn't go to the list. -- Regards, Jonathan Lamothe Sent from my mobile device. Nov. 17, 2021 13:37:50 Jonathan Lamothe <jonathan at>: On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 08:37:38PM +0100, Martin Bays wrote: > One thing I ran into when playing with servers using the haskell tls library > is that 0RTT (early data) doesn't really work because of this bug: > . So you might want to watch > out for that. I haven't had a chance to look at this too closely, but it appears to be a bug with the hs-tls library, not the tls library directly.? I'm using the tcp-streams library which is also a wrapper around tls, but I'm not actually using hs-tls.? Is this still something I need to watch out for? -- Regards, Jonathan Lamothe
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