Decentralized content creation and linking <gemproj (a)>

Hello geminauts

Regarding recent discussions on Malicious Links and gemini://
and various other mentions.

Instead of creating a comment system for every gemlog, an interactive
element using 1x INPUT for data, or similar, I'd purpose to define some
form of interaction protocol.

For instance you write a log entry with <topic>, post it on antenna
(gemini:// and when someone posts another log entry
with a title Re: <topic> your server collects it, parses the first text
segment it finds until EOF or headline and puts it under your original log.
Or just adds a link to this response post.

Additional features can be that you have a comment INPUT that takes a url
to the response, or scanning multiple aggregators.

Is that something of interest? It'll remove the need for registration
completely. It'd be usable for social stuff almost entirely without relying
on a central service like station (gemini://


Link to individual message.

Rohan Kumar <seirdy (a)>

On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 03:54:36PM +0000, gemproj at wrote:
>For instance you write a log entry with <topic>, post it on antenna
>(gemini:// and when someone posts another log entry
>with a title Re: <topic> your server collects it, parses the first text
>segment it finds until EOF or headline and puts it under your original log.
>Or just adds a link to this response post.
>Additional features can be that you have a comment INPUT that takes a url
>to the response, or scanning multiple aggregators.

I think something resembling the Web's Webmentions would be a good 
start. With Webmentions, you write a comment on Webpage A on your own 
website, Webpage B that has a backlink to Webpage A. You then send a 
Webmention either automatically or manually; doing so manually is quite 

curl -d source="webpage B URL" dest="webpage A URL" "link to website A's 
webmention endpoint"

Where the link to Webpage A's Webmention endpoint is in a <link> tag of 
the <head>. A daemon receives the Webmention, downloads Webpage B, and 
checks it for the backlink to Webpage A. If one exists, it accepts the 

I have this setup for my static Web site; Hugo pulls 
in Webmentions from my self-hosted endpoint for each page. Some people 
also have an input form on their pages for submitting backlinks as 

For Gemini, we could do something more basic. Gemini capsules could 
expose an endpoint; this can be parsed from a page in a manner similar 
to the gmnisub approach, by matching a string on a page. Perhaps a 
Gemini hyperlink to an input form with the text "Submit a backlink"?  
Making this multilingual could take a while.

The "manual" approach would be having a user navigate to "Submit a 
backlink" somewhere on a gempost to share a backlink via input form; a 
backend can check out the source page and look for a backlink. If one is 
found, the Gemlog "builder" can add these backlinks to a "Mentions" 
section. An automatic approach could have a Gemlog "builder" 
automatically check each linked page for a "Submit a backlink" URL (or 
any of its translations) and auto-submit backlinks.


Link to individual message. <gemproj (a)>

>For Gemini, we could do something more basic. Gemini capsules could
>expose an endpoint; this can be parsed from a page in a manner similar
>to the gmnisub approach, by matching a string on a page. Perhaps a
>Gemini hyperlink to an input form with the text "Submit a backlink"?
>Making this multilingual could take a while.

>The "manual" approach would be having a user navigate to "Submit a
>backlink" somewhere on a gempost to share a backlink via input form; a
>backend can check out the source page and look for a backlink. If one is
>found, the Gemlog "builder" can add these backlinks to a "Mentions"
>section. An automatic approach could have a Gemlog "builder"
>automatically check each linked page for a "Submit a backlink" URL (or
>any of its translations) and auto-submit backlinks.

I think I get the gist. It's more of an opt-in approach than what I
The biggest problem with this is, imho, that you exclude all the static
site generators. They can't participate. And that's a problem, because you
can easily get a simple gemlog without any scripting backend, but you can't
get a proper scripting backend without a server. Ideally I'd love to
include the static generators to at least be able to comment.

At the same time I think your solution works better. Is easier to
implement. And if you can just put up something like: <domain>/<path to the
log entry>/backlink?<link to the comment> it'll be almost automatic to
comment on existing posts. Then you should review the backlinks you get
before you put them there, but it's simple, effective, just needs people to
hop on board :)


On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 8:32 PM Rohan Kumar 'seirdy at'
< at> wrote:

> This email was sent to gemproj at from
> seirdy at and has been forwarded by AnonAddy.
> To deactivate this alias copy and paste the url below into your web
> browser.
> -----
> On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 03:54:36PM +0000, gemproj at
> wrote:
> >For instance you write a log entry with <topic>, post it on antenna
> >(gemini:// and when someone posts another log entry
> >with a title Re: <topic> your server collects it, parses the first text
> >segment it finds until EOF or headline and puts it under your original
> log.
> >Or just adds a link to this response post.
> >
> >Additional features can be that you have a comment INPUT that takes a url
> >to the response, or scanning multiple aggregators.
> I think something resembling the Web's Webmentions would be a good
> start. With Webmentions, you write a comment on Webpage A on your own
> website, Webpage B that has a backlink to Webpage A. You then send a
> Webmention either automatically or manually; doing so manually is quite
> trivial:
> curl -d source="webpage B URL" dest="webpage A URL" "link to website A's
> webmention endpoint"
> Where the link to Webpage A's Webmention endpoint is in a <link> tag of
> the <head>. A daemon receives the Webmention, downloads Webpage B, and
> checks it for the backlink to Webpage A. If one exists, it accepts the
> Webmention.
> I have this setup for my static Web site; Hugo pulls
> in Webmentions from my self-hosted endpoint for each page. Some people
> also have an input form on their pages for submitting backlinks as
> Webmentions.
> For Gemini, we could do something more basic. Gemini capsules could
> expose an endpoint; this can be parsed from a page in a manner similar
> to the gmnisub approach, by matching a string on a page. Perhaps a
> Gemini hyperlink to an input form with the text "Submit a backlink"?
> Making this multilingual could take a while.
> The "manual" approach would be having a user navigate to "Submit a
> backlink" somewhere on a gempost to share a backlink via input form; a
> backend can check out the source page and look for a backlink. If one is
> found, the Gemlog "builder" can add these backlinks to a "Mentions"
> section. An automatic approach could have a Gemlog "builder"
> automatically check each linked page for a "Submit a backlink" URL (or
> any of its translations) and auto-submit backlinks.
> --
> /Seirdy

Link to individual message.

ew.gemini <ew.gemini (a)>

Hello ~m,

gemproj at writes:

> Hello geminauts
> Regarding recent discussions on Malicious Links and
> gemini://
> and various other mentions.

This has evaded my eyes so far, so thanks much for mentioning
it. This post opened my eyes quite a bit.

> Best,
> ~m


Keep it simple!

Link to individual message. <gemproj (a)>

Hello geminauts

For Gemini, we could do something more basic. Gemini capsules could
> expose an endpoint; this can be parsed from a page in a manner similar
> to the gmnisub approach, by matching a string on a page. Perhaps a
> Gemini hyperlink to an input form with the text "Submit a backlink"?
> Making this multilingual could take a while.

Took me a while, but I made it happen. Any support/feedback is nice to have!

Check the spec on gemini://
Or browse my log for how it looks on a site: gemini://

Best regards,

On Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 12:00 PM ew.gemini 'ew.gemini at'
< at> wrote:

> This email was sent to gemproj at from
> ew.gemini at and has been forwarded by AnonAddy.
> To deactivate this alias copy and paste the url below into your web
> browser.
> -----
> Hello ~m,
> gemproj at writes:
> > Hello geminauts
> >
> > Regarding recent discussions on Malicious Links and
> > gemini://
> > and various other mentions.
> This has evaded my eyes so far, so thanks much for mentioning
> it. This post opened my eyes quite a bit.
> >snip<
> >
> > Best,
> > ~m
> Cheers,
> ~ew
> --
> Keep it simple!

Link to individual message.


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