[users] Trying to introduce Gemini to more blind people

Devin Prater <r.d.t.prater (a) gmail.com>

Hi all. I wrote the following topic on the Audiogames forum, where a good
many blind people hang out.


I already have a "this is interesting" reply, so maybe this will result in
a few, or many, new Gemlogs at least, or even more participation here. If
any of you want to chip in, you can definitely make an account there. It's
not always the most... quiet place, but I wouldn't say it's the most loud
and full of drama either. Many blind people there are technical, as well,
and may make even more clients or servers or contribute in other ways, like
making cool applications in Geminispace like the news aggregators and such.
And, if my idea of what Gemini is needs correcting, I'll stand corrected as
Devin Prater
r.d.t.prater at gmail.com

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Oliver Simmons <oliversimmo (a) gmail.com>

On Thu, 29 Apr 2021 at 14:40, Devin Prater <r.d.t.prater at gmail.com> wrote:
> https://forum.audiogames.net/post/635542/#p635542

A lot of the replies are complaining about the simplicity and how it
lacks features :|
Just use the web if you want that ????
Gemini isn't for interactives, it's for people to post text content.

If clients implement it there is nothing preventing having richer stuff.
Just can't have it inline is all.

-Oliver Simmons

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Philip Linde <linde.philip (a) gmail.com>

I think a reasonable response to people saying that you could as well
make a simple website is that it only solves one end of the problem:
sure, if you want your website to be simple and strip off the regular
cruft of the web, that's easy...but that doesn't help me much a
consumer. Your simple website is going to be one in a million. It's
not going to be my general experience while browsing the web that
websites are simple just because yours is.

As a webmaster, there's some comfort in knowing that at least my
private island on the web is free from all the crap, but as a user I
only wish that more websites were built to those standards, that I
knew of them and could easily find them.

/ Philip

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