Rev. Fr. Robert Bower frrobert at
Thu Mar 4 13:44:08 GMT 2021
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Thank you to everyone for their help.
Search using Greek letters now works.
Here is a link to my Gemini site for those interested
Here is the link to the search tool you help fix.
On Wed, Mar 03, 2021 at 09:57:07PM -0500, Rev. Fr. Robert Bower wrote:
I have a cgi script in which the query string has both English characters and Greek characters.
For example, the user may enter in the input box Matt1/και
When the url with the query string is sent to the server (I am using Molly Brown the server and amfora as a client) it is changed the Greek characters using url encoding.
I am wondering how to I decode the url to get back the Greek characters. I am using bash for my scripts.
Thank you.
-- In Christ,
Rev. Fr. Robert BowerSt. Nectarios Orthodox Church(Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia)http://www.stnectarios.org574-850-7982For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.(2 Cor 4:5) KJV -------------- next part --------------A non-text attachment was scrubbed...Name: signature.ascType: application/pgp-signatureSize: 488 bytesDesc: not availableURL: <>