Version 0.1.15 of the go-gemini library has been released. go-gemini is an implementation of the Gemini protocol in Go. It aims to make it easy to develop Gemini clients and servers, and to provide an API similar to Go's net/http library. It also improves on the API of Go's net/http library to resolve issues that they cannot due to backwards compatiblity, so arguably developing with go-gemini is now better (in some ways) than developing with net/http. :D On the client side, it features support for trust on first use, loading and saving known hosts, proxying requests to other hosts, and IDNs. On the server side, it features support for automatic certificate creation, rotating expired certificates, handling non-gemini schemes, and streaming responses. At this point, the API of go-gemini is relatively stable and should not be subject to constant change as was the case earlier on in development. I eventually plan on releasing v0.2.0, which should have a better guarantee of stability. In the longer term, I plan on releasing v1.0.0 when the Gemini specification is finalized and published as a standard. Enjoy!
Wow! Just in time for when I'm starting work on my feed aggregator in Go! I literally pulled up your repo a half-hour ago. Thanks for the great library! ~nytpu -- Alex // nytpu alex at GPG Key: Key fingerprint: 43A5 890C EE85 EA1F 8C88 9492 ECCD C07B 337B 8F5B
Previous Thread: [tech] Geminipg: using Gnupg to sign Gemini pages and directories