Clients that auto-display inline images?

nervuri <nervuri (a)>

Hans Gerwitz wrote yesterday about the "inevitability of inline media
display" [1], which is a thought I also had.  Someone is going to
implement it, it will be a crowd-pleaser, other clients will follow and
we'll start seeing pages "best viewed in...".  The incentive is there,
no matter what the spec says (and the spec is actually ambiguous on this
point [2]).

Has it already happened?  Are there Gemini clients that display inline
images automatically?

I know Vulpes does [3], but it's a web proxy, not a "native" browser,
and it doesn't load third-party images.  Lagrange has a "load image on
scroll" option, which includes third-party images, but only applies to
keyboard-triggered scolling.  Are there any others?


Link to individual message.

Julien Blanchard <julien (a)>

> Le 23 f?vr. 2021 ? 19:35, nervuri <nervuri at> a ?crit :
> ?Hans Gerwitz wrote yesterday about the "inevitability of inline media
> display" [1], which is a thought I also had.  Someone is going to
> implement it, it will be a crowd-pleaser, other clients will follow and
> we'll start seeing pages "best viewed in...".  The incentive is there,
> no matter what the spec says (and the spec is actually ambiguous on this
> point [2]).
> Has it already happened?  Are there Gemini clients that display inline
> images automatically?
> I know Vulpes does [3], but it's a web proxy, not a "native" browser,
> and it doesn't load third-party images.  Lagrange has a "load image on
> scroll" option, which includes third-party images, but only applies to
> keyboard-triggered scolling.  Are there any others?
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

Elaho an iOS client does that by default I think (it can be disabled).


Link to individual message.

Peter Vernigorov <pitr.vern (a)>

That is correct, Elaho currently inlines all images, frankly it was
the simplest thing to implement, and I also didn't expect gemini space
to have so many images. However, since it's breaking in the upcoming
release I want to mimic Largange's behaviour where each inlining is
explicitly triggered by a user action, same domain or not.

On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 8:14 PM Julien Blanchard <julien at> wrote:
> > Le 23 f?vr. 2021 ? 19:35, nervuri <nervuri at> a ?crit :
> >
> > ?Hans Gerwitz wrote yesterday about the "inevitability of inline media
> > display" [1], which is a thought I also had.  Someone is going to
> > implement it, it will be a crowd-pleaser, other clients will follow and
> > we'll start seeing pages "best viewed in...".  The incentive is there,
> > no matter what the spec says (and the spec is actually ambiguous on this
> > point [2]).
> >
> > Has it already happened?  Are there Gemini clients that display inline
> > images automatically?
> >
> > I know Vulpes does [3], but it's a web proxy, not a "native" browser,
> > and it doesn't load third-party images.  Lagrange has a "load image on
> > scroll" option, which includes third-party images, but only applies to
> > keyboard-triggered scolling.  Are there any others?
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> > [3]
> Elaho an iOS client does that by default I think (it can be disabled).
> ?
> julienxx

Link to individual message.


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