beetledjuice on Station

author: beetledjuice

2023-10-13 03:17 UTC

Just came back from a pinball place. First time playing in an actual machine, it was awesome!! I was not expecting to get *so* into it. Turns out I'm not shit at it too!

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2023-09-26 17:13 UTC

Took me a while, but alas! My capsule's back online!

· 2 Replies · 5 Thumbs

2023-08-25 01:31 UTC

These <fruit>Pis are pretty great! Got my Raspberry up and running today with minimal hassle. Distro of choice: Void Linux. Looking good so far.

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2023-08-21 20:32 UTC

Accepting defeat. Server's offline for a faw days. Struggling hard so far to get the VM up and running again and setting up a new one the way it was is proving stressful. There's always some detail breaking things, so I'm putting that on hold for a bit. The good thing is the RaspberryPi that'll hold the actual official server is on it's way. Supposed to get here by thursday. Should have everything in (somewhat) definite order then.

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2023-08-21 13:28 UTC

I can't find the words to thank, the Delorean just saved my ass. Most of it.

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2023-08-21 01:33 UTC

Hell, blew up my server VM's Arch install this morning... Spent the whole day trying to get things working again to no avail. That's why I should keep proper backups. Hopefully tomorrow'll be more fuitful.

· 2 Replies · 0 Thumbs

2023-08-08 00:18 UTC

Took me a while but I finally managed to figure out access to the OSS-Betelgeuse -- I think. Hopefully this week the Docks will be opening and capsule hosting can begin!

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2023-06-10 04:32 UTC

Just finished up a new mix-tape! Some of the stuff there I haven't heard in quite a while. Turned out to be a nice nostalgic trip. gemini://

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2023-05-26 20:25 UTC

Recently started a 'tape collection' on my personal capsule to share musics. It's fun that even if it's not an actual, physical tape. Just the act of trying and putting together a cohesive collection that represents something to you and letting it out there is quite pleasant. I'm excited about this little project. :D

· 4 Replies · 8 Thumbs

2023-05-10 16:01 UTC

A tiny edit on a old log deleted a chunk of it... I can write it a bit better this time around but, damn, do I feel dirty rewriting an old log.

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2023-05-08 19:10 UTC

Been docked 4 days now, struggling with what to post. Decided to break the ice with a late 'Hello Station!'

· 8 Replies · 7 Thumbs