[users] [ANN] gredig

mbays@sdf.org <mbays (a) sdf.org>

Announcing gredig, a collaborative language learning exercise.
=> gemini://gemini.thegonz.net/gredig/v

It's a simple CGI-based system I hacked together yesterday, running on 
Molly Brown. The idea is to exploit gemini's international and 
altruistic userbase, and its incorporation of utf8, to help us share our 
linguistic expertise.

You submit a sentence in a language you're trying to learn, then someone 
else expert in the language rewrites it, and you learn by comparing the 
two. Everything is fully pseudonymous, based on client certificate 

I'd be interested to hear what people make of the interface, and how 
well it works in various clients.

For now at least it's all quite minimalist -- in particular there's no 
system to deal with abuse or free-riding. That could be added if it 
proves necessary, but I'm guessing it won't.

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Omar Polo <op (a) omarpolo.com>

mbays at sdf.org writes:

> Announcing gredig, a collaborative language learning exercise.
> => gemini://gemini.thegonz.net/gredig/v
> It's a simple CGI-based system I hacked together yesterday, running on
> Molly Brown. The idea is to exploit gemini's international and
> altruistic userbase, and its incorporation of utf8, to help us share
> our linguistic expertise.
> You submit a sentence in a language you're trying to learn, then
> someone else expert in the language rewrites it, and you learn by
> comparing the two. Everything is fully pseudonymous, based on client
> certificate hashes.
> I'd be interested to hear what people make of the interface, and how
> well it works in various clients.
> For now at least it's all quite minimalist -- in particular there's no
> system to deal with abuse or free-riding. That could be added if it
> proves necessary, but I'm guessing it won't.

It's really fun, and a clever idea!  Thanks for making it.

The only complaints I can make are that the pseudonyms seems random
sequences of letters and that maybe it could be useful for a reviewer to
add a comment explaining why he/she re-pharesed the sentence in a
certain way.  Oh, and a link from the "sentence page" back to language
page (or to the "home" of the script cgi) would be handy :)


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mbays@sdf.org <mbays (a) sdf.org>

>> => gemini://gemini.thegonz.net/gredig/v
>The only complaints I can make are that the pseudonyms seems random
>sequences of letters and that maybe it could be useful for a reviewer to
>add a comment explaining why he/she re-pharesed the sentence in a
>certain way.

Thanks, yes. I improved the pseudonym generation; now we have Tesikeso 
Bojiweto and Hegulobi Xedanelu. I also added a Conventions section to 
intro.gmi, recommending using square brackets [thusly] for comments.

>Oh, and a link from the "sentence page" back to language
>page (or to the "home" of the script cgi) would be handy :)

Hmm... I was hoping to avoid that, on the basis that navigation is 
something I would prefer to leave to the client. In a client with 
history and/or path-based navigation (an "up" command), it should be 
easy enough to get where you want to go. Or so I had hoped. I did just 
test in Lagrange, and found it a bit annoying since there's no up 
command, and requests returning 1* seem to get stored in the history, 
and to go back from one you first have to cancel the input prompt.

But I guess I consider this a client-side problem, so I'll leave it 
as-is for now. Feel free to try to convince me otherwise!

Link to individual message.

Liam <liam (a) lmcm.io>

On 14/02/2021 18:22, mbays at sdf.org wrote:
> I did just test in Lagrange, and found it a bit annoying since there's no up command

Lagrange has 'Go to parent' which should do this. ctrl-? or ?? should do it.

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