Hi Geminauts, yesterday with much help from Omar I managed to set up another capsule, this time one of the rare bilingual ones, German and later English language. The next days I will convert more of my German language poems into gmi format. I feel, this is a really good format for writing poems. Before I was using Hugo and Markdown for it, but in Markdown every line has to end with two spaces, just for getting a linefeed. :-/ The English language part is empty up to now and will be filled by time with mostly Linux related insights, tricks and experiments. gemini://hubbz.de/de/gedichte/ Martin
Hi Geminauts, yesterday with much help from Omar I managed to set up another capsule, this time one of the rare bilingual ones, German and later English language. The next days I will convert more of my German language poems into gmi format. I feel, this is a really good format for writing poems. Before I was using Hugo and Markdown for it, but in Markdown every line has to end with two spaces, just for getting a linefeed. :-/ The English language part is empty up to now and will be filled by time with mostly Linux related insights, tricks and experiments. gemini://hubbz.de/de/gedichte/ Martin
Your german is weird... maybe use "Ich moechte in naher Zukunft noch mehr ueber das Gemini-Textformat verfuegbar machen" instead of ", mehr moechte ich noch in dass Gemini-Textformat umwandeln"
Am 12.02.21 um 07:52 schrieb metalune: > Your german is weird... > maybe use "Ich moechte in naher Zukunft noch mehr ueber das > Gemini-Textformat verfuegbar machen" instead of ", mehr moechte ich > noch in dass Gemini-Textformat umwandeln" > :-D You are right, I was too concentrated on the converting from Markdown to Gemtext. New version. ;-) gemini://hubbz.de/de/gedichte/ Martin