Benjamin Henrion zoobab at
Tue Mar 9 14:34:48 GMT 2021
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On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 3:02 PM Artur Honzawa <arturh at> wrote:
Check out this new capsule for an old story and an offer you can't refuse:
Sunny Barcelona = running on solar panels?
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-- Benjamin Henrion (zoobab)Email: zoobab at gmail.comMobile: +32-484-566109Web: Brussels"In July 2005, after several failed attempts to legalise softwarepatents in Europe, the patent establishment changed its strategy.Instead of explicitly seeking to sanction the patentability ofsoftware, they are now seeking to create a central European patentcourt, which would establish and enforce patentability rules in theirfavor, without any possibility of correction by competing courts ordemocratically elected legislators."