All, We are proud to announce the Mansfield client and server. Please find the client at We are running an instance of the Mansfield server at We've worked hard to make the Client and Server fit our perspective on the need to support creation of content as much as consumption. There are a few features we want to highlight here: * Pressing "Ctrl-n" in the Mansfield Client starts the cycle of creating a new page on the Mansfield server - the content of the new page (as well as any other page on that server owned by the currently active client certificate) is edited directly in the Mansfield client. No other tools, processes, or accounts are required to create text/gemini pages in Gemini Space. Of course the automated process that "Ctrl-n" guides the user through can be navigated manually as well. * If working through a list of links (from say, a Gemini feed), and you've navigated from the list to one of the links, you can press "n" to have the client automatically go back to the list, move down to the next link, and access that link's referenced content... so... keep pressing "n" and you just step through all of the listed content. Pressing "p" works similarly, but goes to the previous link instead of the next link. * There are many other shortcuts, listed by pressing "Ctrl-s" We know there are probably bugs we've missed or haven't found yet, and we're still working on additional features - but we wanted to release before everything was perfect to allow feedback to start showing up. We're excited to learn what others think of our approach to supporting creation of content as much as consumption. Thanks!
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