Gemini Digest, Vol 18, Issue 58

Russtopia <rmagee (a)>

Thank you all for the patient and informative discussions regarding the
'can of worms' I may have opened re: forms...

I think the responses below do address many, if not all, of the concerns
I initially had when proposing a form facility. I think it's great that
strives to 'do more with less' and I can see some of these suggestions
are very clever. I'm going to try them out in an app of my own now :)
It just takes a bit of a different approach from HTML.


On Thu, 28 Jan 2021 at 10:08, <gemini-request at> wrote:

> Send Gemini mailing list submissions to
>         gemini at
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>         gemini-request at
> You can reach the person managing the list at
>         gemini-owner at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Gemini digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Viability of *apps* on Gemini? (tayevnge)
>    2. Re: Viability of *apps* on Gemini? [TECH] (Johann Galle)
>    3. Re: Viability of *apps* on Gemini? (nothien at
>    4. Re: Proposal: Simple structured form specification
>       (Katarina Eriksson)
>    5. Re: Viability of *apps* on Gemini? (Gary Johnson)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 13:53:01 +0100
> From: tayevnge <tayevnge at>
> To: gemini at
> Subject: Viability of *apps* on Gemini?
> Message-ID: <4e78e5a2-5e55-9bb8-7a4b-19a0f39b5756 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Hello,
> Please help me understand viability of creating simple form-based apps
> like message boards, job offer boards, etc on Gemini.
> I am aware there are no multi-input forms but there seem to be an
> "input" feature.
> Does Gemini support or intends to support meaningful user input and
> interactivity?
> Is it realistic to build real world "text applications"?
> How about multi-line user input, file upload etc?
> Any example apps?
> TIA!
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 15:12:28 +0100
> From: Johann Galle <johann at>
> To: tayevnge <tayevnge at>
> Cc: Gemini application layer protocol <gemini at>
> Subject: Re: Viability of *apps* on Gemini? [TECH]
> Message-ID: <6bd3c32e-7fe5-dbfb-a631-3ea7cf726570 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
> On 2021-07-28T13:53+01:00, tayevnge wrote:
>  > Hello,
> Hello!
>  > Please help me understand viability of creating simple form-based apps
>  > like message boards, job offer boards, etc on Gemini.
>  >
>  > I am aware there are no multi-input forms but there seem to be an
>  > "input" feature.
> In theory you could do it, have a look at a recent thread on forms in the
> mailing list archives:
> <>
>  > Does Gemini support or intends to support meaningful user input and
>  > interactivity?
> I don't think so, beyond what is already present with the input and secret
> input
> status codes, as well as just "being on a page".
>  > Is it realistic to build real world "text applications"?
> Probably not, why not use another protocol? (again, see the linked thread)
>  > How about multi-line user input, file upload etc?
> Multiline input is theoretically possible by percent encoding a linefeed.
> For file upload, maybe have a look at one of the adaptations mentioned in
> the
> linked thread (Dioscuri, Titan, and Inimeg)?
>  > Any example apps?
> Depends on what you would call an app. You can have a look at some pieces
> published on the mailing list:
> Tic Tac Toe (seems to be inoperable at the moment [1])
>  ?? ?<gemini://>
>  ?<>
> Interactive Fiction
>  ?? ?<gemini://>
>  ?<>
> Johann
> [1] It gives me a header of "30 ---------", which does not make sense.
> ---
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> available through web key discovery. Try e.g. `gpg --locate-keys`...

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