Introducing my new server, and two questions

Miguel de Luis Espinosa <enteka (a)>

This is Miguel de Luis, hailing from Canary Islands, Spain and this is my 
little gemini capsule gemini:// which uses the Glasgow-php 
server. Mostly because php was already installed in the server and it worked nicely.

My content is mostly in Spanish, though and it's still a very humble 
thing, but I hope to be a little bleep in the Gemini space, at least.

## Questions:

prefering .gmi  Should I change to .gmi? Are there any rules I'm not aware of?

make my own feed but I got a validation error telling me the gemini 
protocol was not registered at (some acronym IAPA or something?)

Well, thanks everyone. To this point the best in Gemini has been the people I've met.

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Alex // nytpu <alex (a)>

On 2021-01-16 06:18PM, Miguel de Luis Espinosa wrote:
> This is Miguel de Luis, hailing from Canary Islands, Spain and this is
> my little gemini capsule gemini:// which uses the
> Glasgow-php server. Mostly because php was already installed in the
> server and it worked nicely.
Welcome to geminispace!  Unfortunately my Spanish isn't too good but
maybe reading more Spanish gemini content will help me learn better!

> *  As for file extensions, I'm using .gemini but I see many people
> prefering .gmi  Should I change to .gmi? Are there any rules I'm not
> aware of?
I don't think it matters.  .gemini seems to be falling out of
popularity, but everything I've come across understands it so it's fine
I'd say.  Looking at your server, your most recent post with a .gmi
extension (gemini:// is sent with a mime type
of text/plain, so I actually think your server doesn't recognize the
.gmi extension.

> * Do Gemini capsules use the same Atom feed format as other. I tried
> to make my own feed but I got a validation error telling me the gemini
> protocol was not registered at (some acronym IAPA or something?)
You'll get a validation error for atom, I just ignored it as the rest of
my feed was fine.  If an aggregator can access content on gemini it
knows about the gemini protocol and isn't relying on a hardcoded list of
registered schemes.

I know there's plans to get the gemini scheme (the "gemini:" part at the
beginning of URLs) registered with the IANA, but nothing has happened so

> * Is there a Gemini-aware feed format?
There is!  It's a ?companion specification,? see this page:

Looking at your site, your homepage is already compatible with gemini
feeds, so you're all set on that front.


Alex // nytpu
alex at
GPG Key:
Key fingerprint: 43A5 890C EE85 EA1F 8C88 9492 ECCD C07B 337B 8F5B

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Miguel de Luis Espinosa <enteka (a)>

On Sat, Jan 16, 2021, at 6:53 PM, Alex // nytpu wrote:
> On 2021-01-16 06:18PM, Miguel de Luis Espinosa wrote:
> > This is Miguel de Luis, hailing from Canary Islands, Spain and this is
> > my little gemini capsule gemini:// which uses the
> > Glasgow-php server. Mostly because php was already installed in the
> > server and it worked nicely.
> Welcome to geminispace!  Unfortunately my Spanish isn't too good but
> maybe reading more Spanish gemini content will help me learn better!

Well, you never know. My first "real" English book was a Fighting Fantasy
gamebook. A language is a game and you never really "learn" it, you play

> > *  As for file extensions, I'm using .gemini but I see many people
> > prefering .gmi  Should I change to .gmi? Are there any rules I'm not
> > aware of?
> I don't think it matters.  .gemini seems to be falling out of
> popularity, but everything I've come across understands it so it's fine
> I'd say.  Looking at your server, your most recent post with a .gmi
> extension (gemini:// is sent with a mime type
> of text/plain, so I actually think your server doesn't recognize the
> .gmi extension.

Yep, I think you are right. Renamed it to .gemini and it's now displaying
> > * Is there a Gemini-aware feed format?
> There is!  It's a ?companion specification,? see this page:
> gemini://
> Looking at your site, your homepage is already compatible with gemini
> feeds, so you're all set on that front.

Thank you, Alex, I'm sticking to the Gemini comanion specification then. 
It might be less popular, but I do feel it makes more sense for Gemini.

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Nathan Galt <mailinglists (a)>

> On Jan 16, 2021, at 10:18 AM, Miguel de Luis Espinosa <enteka at> wrote:
> ## Questions:
> *  As for file extensions, I'm using .gemini but I see many people 
prefering .gmi  Should I change to .gmi? Are there any rules I'm not aware of?

When I first started using Markdown, I was a diehard fan of using the full 
extension, .markdown. .md seemed like a stupid hack that was good only for 
long-dead Windows 3.1 computers.

Then I started seeing lots of my own .markdown files in a 
length-constrained view (probably the Visual Studio Code sidebar) and 
thought ??.markdown? takes up a half to a third of the space in this view, 
but it doesn?t tell me anything more about the file than .md would. If I 
renamed all these files to .md, I?d get much better information density and less noise.?

I use .md now.

All this happened before I got into Gemini, so I started off with .gmi and 
only briefly considered using the full extension.

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