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[spec] Using a gitlab

cage cage-dev at twistfold.it

Mon Mar 15 18:53:58 GMT 2021

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On Sun, Mar 14, 2021 at 10:10:18PM -0400, Sean Conner wrote:



If I wanted to be a part of the discussion in a
trying-to-implement-this-new-experiment way, what should I do?
A great question, and fortunately, there is an answer, at least for
clients: try fetching the following IRI:
Not my site, but the size of the other person who bothered to experiment
with this stuff. And as for details, it would be nice to know:

FWIW my client¹ was able to get the text from the IRI above (afterfixed a little bug in the IRI parser ;-))

operating system

Debian GNU/linux

implementation language

Common Lisp

possible libraries in use

I wrote the IRI parser and punycode encoding procedure but i knowthere are libraries that deal with this stuff even if i never usedsome of them.

Hope this helps!


¹ https://www.autistici.org/interzona/tinmop.html