[tech] [spec] TLS statistics

nervuri <nervuri (a) disroot.org>


I recently gathered TLS-related statistics on Gemini servers, using a few 
shell scripts and OpenSSL. You'll find everything here:


Among other things, the repo contains:


configs (flounder.online has 107)

## Public Key Algorithm

## Key size

## Expiration

### Not Before

### Not After


These are the stats I find most interesting, but check the repo for more 
details. Let me know if I messed up somewhere.

I was especially interested in TLS 1.3 support. From the spec it seems 
like you're looking forward to getting rid of TLS 1.2, but is there a plan 
for that? Currently over 100 servers do not support 1.3.

  > Hopefully TLS 1.3 or higher can be specced in the near future. Clients 
who wish to be "ahead of the curve MAY refuse to connect to servers using 
TLS version 1.2 or lower.

As far as I know, with TLSv1.2 client certs are sent in the clear, 
revealing login information to the ISP (and whoever else is looking). In 
this respect, when used with TLS 1.2, client certs are worse than cookies. 
Also, 1.2 isn't compatible with encrypted SNI. So I hope it will be phased 
out soon, if possible. Let me know your thoughts.


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Stephen <stephen (a) drsudo.com>

> * 66 certs are signed by Let's Encrypt
> * 35 pass OpenSSL validation
> * 359 fail OpenSSL validation (not signed by a trusted CA, expired, etc)

66 is more Let's Encrypt certs than I would have guessed. For better or 
worse, they seem a bit out of place in gemini. When I was setting up my 
server, I was almost going to use my Let's Encrypt cert, but I'm glad I 
didn't. The Let's Encrypt method is antithetical to the TOFU model of 
certs. Using a trusted CA is irrelevant and regularly updating your 
certs (often a month in advance of expiry) is not good with TOFU.

> *   3 : Not After 9999

I wish I had gone this way. I think with TOFU this is the only sane way 
(essentially same as ssh host keys).


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colecmac@protonmail.com <colecmac (a) protonmail.com>

> * 40 support TLSv1.1
> * 39 support TLSv1.0

This was the most surprising/concerning part to me. These servers are
breaking the spec, and my understanding is that TLS 1.0 is considered
insecure by experts. I'm less sure about how insecure 1.1 is, but I know
that it's deprecated in all main browsers by now.

Do you have any idea what server software is allowing this? Maybe you can
look at the capsules, as some will say what software they use. That way
someone can file a bug or submit a patch/PR.


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nervuri <nervuri (a) disroot.org>

December 30, 2020 7:19 PM, Stephen wrote:
  > 66 is more Let's Encrypt certs than I would have guessed.

What's strange to me is that 31 of those fail validation. It might be 
interesting to see why.

By the way, Lupa lists 68 Let's Encrypt certs:


Also, Lupa knows about 528 hosts, more than GUS's 442. I wish it listed them.

  > For better or worse, they seem a bit out of place in gemini. When I 
was setting up my server, I was almost going to use my Let's Encrypt cert, 
but I'm glad I didn't. The Let's Encrypt method is antithetical to the 
TOFU model of certs. Using a trusted CA is irrelevant and regularly 
updating your certs (often a month in advance of expiry) is not good with TOFU.

There is value in a third party attesting that a specific cert belongs to 
a specific domain. I would like a Gemini browser to do TOFU for 
self-signed certs and normal validation for CA-signed certs - and let me 
know when I'm dealing with the latter. There is more to say on this, I 
might elaborate at some point.

  December 30, 2020 7:44 PM, colecmac wrote:
  > Do you have any idea what server software is allowing this? Maybe you can
look at the capsules, as some will say what software they use. That way
someone can file a bug or submit a patch/PR.

This kind of thing will always be an issue. The barrier to entry is low, 
so we can expect problematic server implementations to keep popping up.

I did check out *.lanterne.chilliet.eu and it looks like it's using a 
self-made server written in PHP. I'll submit an issue one of these days, 
if someone doesn't do it before me.


As for the others... here are the hosts:

cat data/tls/tls-versions | grep tls1_1

cadence.moe | -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
code.lanterne.chilliet.eu | -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
consensus.circumlunar.space | -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
cyberpunksin.space | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
dioskouroi.xyz | -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
ftrv.se | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
gem.johanbove.info | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
gemini-textboard.fgaz.me | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
gemini.cycrad.io | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
gemini.sirodoht.com | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
gemini.slashdev.space | -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
gemini.thebackupbox.net | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
gemini.thegonz.net | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
gemini.ucant.org | -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
gemini.uxq.ch | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
gemini.uxw.ch | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
gemlog.lanterne.chilliet.eu | -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
gsthnz.com | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
hacktivis.me | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
happycreature.org | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
heavysquare.com | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
houston.coder.town | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
iim.gay | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
jfh.me | -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
kamalatta.ddnss.de | -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
kwiecien.us | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
lord.re | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
nixo.xyz | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
ols.wtf | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
posixcafe.org | -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
rainbow-100.com | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
rocketnine.space | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
rwv.io | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
saintnet.tech | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
sanctum.geek.nz | -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
sdf.org | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
stanner.bayern | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
thebackupbox.net | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
tictactoe.lanterne.chilliet.eu | -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
trfs.me | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1
tweek.zyxxyz.eu | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
twins.rocketnine.space | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
typed-hole.org | -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1
vignette.kalasarn.se | -tls1_3 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1

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Petite Abeille <petite.abeille (a) gmail.com>

> On Dec 30, 2020, at 23:15, nervuri <nervuri at disroot.org> wrote:
> This kind of thing will always be an issue. The barrier to entry is low, 
so we can expect problematic server implementations to keep popping up.

First off, very nicely done, thank you for sharing.

A server linter would be a great little project indeed. Something along 
the lines of Mark Nottingham 's REDbot*, but for Gemini.

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Sean Conner <sean (a) conman.org>

It was thus said that the Great colecmac at protonmail.com once stated:
> > * 40 support TLSv1.1
> > * 39 support TLSv1.0
> This was the most surprising/concerning part to me. These servers are
> breaking the spec, and my understanding is that TLS 1.0 is considered
> insecure by experts. I'm less sure about how insecure 1.1 is, but I know
> that it's deprecated in all main browsers by now.
> Do you have any idea what server software is allowing this? Maybe you can
> look at the capsules, as some will say what software they use. That way
> someone can file a bug or submit a patch/PR.

  The server software and the TLS library would be nice.  My own server,
<gemini://gemini.conman.org/> is running GLV-1.12556, written in Lua, and
using LibreSSL (specifically because it comes with libtls, a sane TLS
wrapper around the rest of LibreSSL).  It could very well be a limitation of
the TLS library itself.


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Scot <gmi1 (a) scotdoyle.com>

On 12/30/20 5:18 PM, Sean Conner wrote:
> My own server,
> <gemini://gemini.conman.org/> is running GLV-1.12556, written in Lua, and
> using LibreSSL (specifically because it comes with libtls, a sane TLS
> wrapper around the rest of LibreSSL).  It could very well be a limitation of
> the TLS library itself.
Looks like LibreSSL has support as of May 2020 [1].


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Sean Conner <sean (a) conman.org>

It was thus said that the Great nervuri once stated:
> As far as I know, with TLSv1.2 client certs are sent in the clear,
> revealing login information to the ISP (and whoever else is looking). In
> this respect, when used with TLS 1.2, client certs are worse than cookies.

  I currently log client certificates (gasp!).  Yes, it's true, but I added
such logging last year when the protocol was still in the intial stages of
development and I wanted a way to debug client certificate issues.  I have
an area that requires client certificates but it doesn't get a lot of
traffic.  But, just bacause I'm feeling ornery about this, here are the
details of the few client certs that have crossed my server over the past
month (the subject):

	/CN=My Cert
	/C=CH/ST=Some-State/O=Internet Widgits Pty Ltd
	/C=US/ST=FL/L=Boca Raton/CN=Sean Conner/emailAddress=sean at conman.org

and except for that last one (what a stupid git, giving out his name and
email address like that!), the issuer was also the same as the subject.

  Yeah, way worse than cookies I'd say.

> Also, 1.2 isn't compatible with encrypted SNI. So I hope it will be phased
> out soon, if possible. Let me know your thoughts.


  Given the current state of Gemini, *even if* the domain name were
encrypted, there's still a near 80% chance of knowing which domain is being
accessed, just because most servers only serve one domain.  And there is

  -spc (You know, a pair of scissors to the network cable does wonders for
	security ... )

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nervuri <nervuri (a) disroot.org>

December 30, 2020 11:53 PM, Sean Conner wrote:
  > I currently log client certificates (gasp!).

That's different from what I was referring to. You're not a third party, 
you're supposed to receive that information. The problem with client certs 
+ TLS 1.2 is that any third party on the network route can also see that information.

When I log into a web forum over https using cookies, my ISP doesn't see 
what user I log in as. But when I log into a gemini forum using a client 
cert, my ISP does - and, as you point out, may even see the email address 
I used. However, that problem goes away with TLS 1.3.

  > Given the current state of Gemini, *even if* the domain name were 
encrypted, there's still a near 80% chance of knowing which domain is 
being accessed, just because most servers only serve one domain.

I went from 394 to 258 hosts after eliminating subdomains (like all those 

improvement is nothing to scoff at.

But even if in 100% of cases there was a 1-to-1 mapping from domain to IP 
address, encrypted SNI still raises the bar, as the watchers on the 
network route need to do more work to find the domain - they don't simply 
get it when inspecting network traffic. Especially since, with SNI, you 
can't always find a domain if all you have is its IP address. For example, 
let's take - tell me what Gemini domain is hosted there 
without looking at the data I gathered. If you find out, tell us how.

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nervuri <nervuri (a) disroot.org>

December 31, 2020 11:34 AM, nervuri wrote:
  > 45% improvement

I meant 35%.

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Sean Conner <sean (a) conman.org>

It was thus said that the Great nervuri once stated:
> December 30, 2020 11:53 PM, Sean Conner wrote:
> When I log into a web forum over https using cookies, my ISP doesn't see
> what user I log in as. But when I log into a gemini forum using a client
> cert, my ISP does - and, as you point out, may even see the email address
> I used. However, that problem goes away with TLS 1.3.

  Okay, point taken.
>   > Given the current state of Gemini, *even if* the domain name were
>   > encrypted, there's still a near 80% chance of knowing which domain is
>   > being accessed, just because most servers only serve one domain.
> I went from 394 to 258 hosts after eliminating subdomains (like all those
> *.flounder.online vhosts). So it's about 65%, rather than 80%. A 45%
> improvement is nothing to scoff at.
> But even if in 100% of cases there was a 1-to-1 mapping from domain to IP
> address, encrypted SNI still raises the bar, as the watchers on the
> network route need to do more work to find the domain - they don't simply
> get it when inspecting network traffic. Especially since, with SNI, you
> can't always find a domain if all you have is its IP address. For example,
> let's take - tell me what Gemini domain is hosted there
> without looking at the data I gathered. If you find out, tell us how.

  I threw the IP address into the almighty Google.  The third result (for
me, your results may vary as this is Google) was to this link:


which showed me that Zach DeCook sent a patch to the ALPS development list
originating from said IP address.  The domain of his email address,
ccel.org, did not show anything related to Gemini, but throwing his name
into the almighty Google brought me to his homepage:


where at the bottom, you can see the link to his Gemini site, which has the
IP address

  Yes, that's a bit of work, but it was less than 5 minutes, and I'm not
even a state actor here.  Is that enough of a bar for you?


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CΓ΄me Chilliet <come (a) chilliet.eu>

Le mercredi 30 d?cembre 2020, 23:15:11 CET nervuri a ?crit :
> I did check out *.lanterne.chilliet.eu and it looks like it's using a 
self-made server written in PHP. I'll submit an issue one of these days, 
if someone doesn't do it before me.
> gemini://gemlog.lanterne.chilliet.eu/softwares.en.gmi
> https://framagit.org/MCMic/gemini-server

Hey, that one is mine.

Indeed I use STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_SERVER which means any TLS version. 
I can switch to STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_2_SERVER but I was afraid this 
would forbid TLS 1.3.
I see a STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_3_SERVER in the PHP code but not in the 
documentation :-(
Which means I need to investigate PHP git history to check when this 
constant was added and whether I can use it as-is.

Relevant part of my code: 
p (A fragment here would be handy to point the exact line, but I think no 
gemini clients support fragments? Here it?s not even text/plain but 
text/x-php so not sure what should be used?)


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nervuri <nervuri (a) disroot.org>

December 31, 2020 9:45 PM, Sean Conner wrote:
> Okay, point taken.

Because of this privacy issue, I think browsers should only send client 
certificates over TLS 1.3 (and newer).  This could be part of the spec.

We could also make a coordinated effort to help Gemini software support 
TLS 1.3 - reach out, send patches, see what's holding developers back.  
Currently LibreSSL, GnuTLS and wolfSSL all support TLS 1.3, so most (if 
not all) browsers/servers/proxies/crawlers could probably make the 
upgrade.  Once enough software supports 1.3 and enough servers have 
switched, the minimum TLS version can be changed in the spec.

> Yes, that's a bit of work, but it was less than 5 minutes, and I'm not 
even a state actor here.  Is that enough of a bar for you?

SNI-based surveillance is automatable, making it trivial for third parties 
to hoard this data at nearly no cost.  Even a tiny bit of non-automated 
work, like what you just did, will deter many (mostly commercial) actors 
involved in mass surveillance, for whom scalability is what makes it 
worthwhile.  When it comes to targeted surveillance done by state actors, 
ESNI won't help much (if at all), but this threat model doesn't apply to 
most people.  Let's not fall for the perfect solution fallacy.

Looks like ESNI is being superseded by Encrypted Client Hello (ECH):



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nervuri <nervuri (a) disroot.org>

January 1, 2021 2:49 PM, C?me Chilliet wrote:
> Hey, that one is mine.

Oh, hello! :)

There's an easy fix.  I'll reply to you privately, I don't think people on 
this list are interested in PHP code.

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KiΓ«d Llaentenn <kiedtl (a) tilde.team>


Just recently I was creating a Gemini mirror of an HTTP site, and came
across several pages that made heavy use of tables. I did what I suspect
most Gemini publishers/content authors do: use ASCII tables, like so:

| Food                           | Price |
| Eggs                           | $2    |
| Eggs and spam                  | $4    |
| Eggs, spam, eggs and spam      | $8    |
| Spam spam baked beans and spam | $8    |
| Just spam                      | $2    |

There are several problems with this approach, though:

1. It requires the client to display the table in a monospaced font,
   which many would prefer not to use.
2. Text in table rows won't be wrapped properly on narrow displays.
3. ASCII tables are anything but screenreader friendly, since there's no
   semantic information about the table's structure.
4. It mixes information and presentation, which is against the spirit of

So, are there any other options for having tables in Gemtext, other than
adding a new syntax to the spec? I'm hard pressed to think of another



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colecmac@protonmail.com <colecmac (a) protonmail.com>

> 1.  It requires the client to display the table in a monospaced font,
>     which many would prefer not to use.
> 2.  Text in table rows won't be wrapped properly on narrow displays.

If you put your table in a preformatted block, then a monospaced font and not
wrapping are required by the spec, and so are a non-issue. All the tables I've
seen are in preformatted blocks, and I would consider anyone not doing that to
be making a mistake, for the very reasons you've written above.

> 3.  ASCII tables are anything but screenreader friendly, since there's no
>     semantic information about the table's structure.

Yes, that's the main problem in my opinion. I don't see a great solution really.
Perhaps if the word table is in the alt text (an unofficial idea, which is the
text right after the first backtick line), a really good client could interpret
where the cells are and read them? It would be error-prone of course, and still
not very accessible.

> 4.  It mixes information and presentation, which is against the spirit of
>     Gemini(?)

The point of preformatted blocks is to control presentation in the specific
cases where it's needed, like code, ASCII art, or I guess tables. While in
general you're right, I think there is sort of a "precedent" for this mixing.

> So, are there any other options for having tables in Gemtext

You could create a CSV or HTML file and link to it? Other than that I'm not sure,
I don't see an easy solution to this.

> adding a new syntax to the spec

I doubt this will happen, gemtext is pretty set right now. And the ability to
parse tables would go against its idea of clients only needing to look at the
first three characters.


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KiΓ«d Llaentenn <kiedtl (a) tilde.team>

On Sat Jan 2, 2021 at 4:36 AM UTC, makeworld wrote:
> > 1.  It requires the client to display the table in a monospaced font,
> >     which many would prefer not to use.
> > 2.  Text in table rows won't be wrapped properly on narrow displays.
> If you put your table in a preformatted block, then a monospaced font and not
> wrapping are required by the spec, and so are a non-issue. All the tables I've
> seen are in preformatted blocks, and I would consider anyone not doing that to
> be making a mistake, for the very reasons you've written above.

Yes, that's the point. If I have my client configured to use a
font, I don't think I'd enjoy having just tables being in a monospace

> > adding a new syntax to the spec
> I doubt this will happen, gemtext is pretty set right now.

Just for the record, this was not what I was advocating.

> And the ability to parse tables would go against its idea of clients only needing
> to look at the first three characters.

Not necessarily. Something like scdoc's [0] table syntax [1] could be

=[ Foo
=: Bar
=| Row 1
=: Hello
=: world!
=| Row 2
=: Hello
=: universe!

Unfortunately, such a solution means that the table syntax would be
unreadable without further processing, which is also against the spirit
of Gemtext(?)

Anyways. Back to ASCII art, I suppose.

[0]: https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/scdoc
[1]: See scdoc(5)


"This, too, shall pass."

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Sean Conner <sean (a) conman.org>

It was thus said that the Great Ki?d Llaentenn once stated:
> Hello,
> Just recently I was creating a Gemini mirror of an HTTP site, and came
> across several pages that made heavy use of tables. I did what I suspect
> most Gemini publishers/content authors do: use ASCII tables, like so:
> +--------------------------------+-------+
> | Food                           | Price |
> +--------------------------------+-------+
> | Eggs                           | $2    |
> | Eggs and spam                  | $4    |
> | Eggs, spam, eggs and spam      | $8    |
> | Spam spam baked beans and spam | $8    |
> | Just spam                      | $2    |
> +--------------------------------+-------+
> There are several problems with this approach, though:
> 1. It requires the client to display the table in a monospaced font,
>    which many would prefer not to use.
> 2. Text in table rows won't be wrapped properly on narrow displays.
> 3. ASCII tables are anything but screenreader friendly, since there's no
>    semantic information about the table's structure.
> 4. It mixes information and presentation, which is against the spirit of
>    Gemini(?)
> So, are there any other options for having tables in Gemtext, other than
> adding a new syntax to the spec? I'm hard pressed to think of another
> solution.

  There's not much choice you have in this matter.  I use preformatted
blocks for HTML tables, you can see two examples of which here:


  The format I use works because I only use HTML tables for actual tabular
data and *not* for layout purposes.  The output uses tabs (HT, or character
9) between each field.  The <caption> becomes the first line; the <thead>
(table header) is followed by a line of dashes; any <tfoot> section will
appear at the bottom of the table, again separated by dashes.

  I don't bother with any further decorations (like you have) because I
don't feel its necessary (and if a cut-n-paste keeps the tab characters, it
becomes rather easy to manipulate the data).


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Katarina Eriksson <gmym (a) coopdot.com>

 <colecmac at protonmail.com> wrote:

> > 3.  ASCII tables are anything but screenreader friendly, since there's no
> >     semantic information about the table's structure.
> Yes, that's the main problem in my opinion. I don't see a great solution
> really.
> Perhaps if the word table is in the alt text (an unofficial idea, which is
> the
> text right after the first backtick line), a really good client could
> interpret
> where the cells are and read them? It would be error-prone of course, and
> still
> not very accessible.

Unofficial? It's in section "5.4.3 Preformatting toggle lines" in the spec.

The proper way to use alt text in this case is to describe the information
in the table as if you are talking to someone on the phone, essentially
duplicating the information in prose. This can get tedious in big tables.

For simple two column tables, you could replace them with lists.


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cage <cage-dev (a) twistfold.it>

On Sat, Jan 02, 2021 at 03:04:21AM +0000, Ki?d Llaentenn wrote:
> Hello,
> Just recently I was creating a Gemini mirror of an HTTP site, and came
> across several pages that made heavy use of tables. I did what I suspect
> most Gemini publishers/content authors do: use ASCII tables, like so:


> 1. It requires the client to display the table in a monospaced font,
>    which many would prefer not to use.
> 2. Text in table rows won't be wrapped properly on narrow displays.
> 3. ASCII tables are anything but screenreader friendly, since there's no
>    semantic information about the table's structure.

FWIW org-mode (a  software for Emacs) deals very well  with table like
you  wrote in  your message  (navigation, narrowing,  it even  include
spreadsheet features!). :)

So i guess a sufficiently smart client ;-) could parse and manage text
table very well! :)


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KiΓ«d Llaentenn <kiedtl (a) tilde.team>

On Sat Jan 2, 2021 at 9:19 AM UTC, cage wrote:
> So i guess a sufficiently smart client ;-) could parse and manage text
> table very well! :)

That's true. But that would work only if there was some consensus on how
such ASCII tables are to be formatted, then. We can't reasonably expect
even the smartest of clients to be able to parse the myriad of different
table styles in use today :^)


"This, too, shall pass."

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Luke Emmet <luke (a) marmaladefoo.com>

On 02-Jan-2021 03:04, Ki?d Llaentenn wrote:
> Just recently I was creating a Gemini mirror of an HTTP site, and came
> across several pages that made heavy use of tables. I did what I suspect
> most Gemini publishers/content authors do: use ASCII tables, like so:
> +--------------------------------+-------+
> | Food                           | Price |
> +--------------------------------+-------+
> | Eggs                           | $2    |
> | Eggs and spam                  | $4    |
> | Eggs, spam, eggs and spam      | $8    |
> | Spam spam baked beans and spam | $8    |
> | Just spam                      | $2    |
> +--------------------------------+-------+
> There are several problems with this approach, though:
> 1. It requires the client to display the table in a monospaced font,
>     which many would prefer not to use.
> 2. Text in table rows won't be wrapped properly on narrow displays.
> 3. ASCII tables are anything but screenreader friendly, since there's no
>     semantic information about the table's structure.
> 4. It mixes information and presentation, which is against the spirit of
>     Gemini(?)
> So, are there any other options for having tables in Gemtext, other than
> adding a new syntax to the spec? I'm hard pressed to think of another
> solution.
Some other ideas:

If you want to present the information in its original structure, there 
are other options
(as well as trying to inline it into gemtext preformatted text already 
discussed on this thread):

1. provide link to a CSV
2. serialise as simple text
3. If you just want to preserve the visual appearance, you could also 
provide a link to a rendered PDF

For option 2, most tables can be "flattened" in a way that users can 
usually get the idea of that was there. In my own html2gmi app [1] it 
has this as an option for processing tables as well as the "preformatted 
text layout":

? table ?

Food Price
Eggs $2
Eggs and spam  $4
Eggs, spam, eggs and spam $8
Spam spam baked beans and spam $8
Just spam $2

Works fine for your table above IMHO. Or you could use some similar 
variant approach of this.

I grant you this won't help for complex tables, but for those your 
options are limited apart from option 1 and 3 if you want to keep the 
full original appearance or structure.

  - Luke

[1] https://github.com/LukeEmmet/html2gmi

Link to individual message.

cage <cage-dev (a) twistfold.it>

On Sat, Jan 02, 2021 at 12:46:57PM +0000, Ki?d Llaentenn wrote:
> On Sat Jan 2, 2021 at 9:19 AM UTC, cage wrote:
> > So i guess a sufficiently smart client ;-) could parse and manage text
> > table very well! :)
> That's true. But that would work only if there was some consensus on how
> such ASCII tables are to be formatted, then. We can't reasonably expect
> even the smartest of clients to be able to parse the myriad of different
> table styles in use today :^)

Good point! :-D :-D

I fear we should wait for skynet for correct ascii table parsing! ;-D


Link to individual message.

Paper <paper (a) tilde.institute>

On Sat, Jan 02, 2021 at 06:13:45PM +0000, Luke Emmet wrote:
> On 02-Jan-2021 03:04, Ki?d Llaentenn wrote:
> > Just recently I was creating a Gemini mirror of an HTTP site, and came
> > across several pages that made heavy use of tables. I did what I suspect
> > most Gemini publishers/content authors do: use ASCII tables, like so:
> > 
> > +--------------------------------+-------+
> > | Food                           | Price |
> > +--------------------------------+-------+
> > | Eggs                           | $2    |
> > | Eggs and spam                  | $4    |
> > | Eggs, spam, eggs and spam      | $8    |
> > | Spam spam baked beans and spam | $8    |
> > | Just spam                      | $2    |
> > +--------------------------------+-------+
> > 
> > There are several problems with this approach, though:
> > 
> > 1. It requires the client to display the table in a monospaced font,
> >     which many would prefer not to use.
> > 2. Text in table rows won't be wrapped properly on narrow displays.
> > 3. ASCII tables are anything but screenreader friendly, since there's no
> >     semantic information about the table's structure.
> > 4. It mixes information and presentation, which is against the spirit of
> >     Gemini(?)
> > 
> > So, are there any other options for having tables in Gemtext, other than
> > adding a new syntax to the spec? I'm hard pressed to think of another
> > solution.
> Some other ideas:
> If you want to present the information in its original structure, there are
> other options
> (as well as trying to inline it into gemtext preformatted text already
> discussed on this thread):
> 1. provide link to a CSV

We should try to use what we have before designing a new gemtext feature.

Lagrange provides a way to create scripts which handle MIME types lagrange
which are not supported by lagrange natively. We can use this to render CSV:


	CSV tables


	printf "20 text/plain\r\n"
	/bin/column -s, -t

Don't forget to make this script executable. Now, test how well it works:


picture: https://ttm.sh/dvO.png

This is obviously not optimal:


  frame, not inside the text like images (lagrange specific feature,
  can be fixed)

But also has many advantages:

  tricks like sorting by columns


Link to individual message.

Stephane Bortzmeyer <stephane (a) sources.org>

On Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 11:19:22AM -0800,
 Stephen <stephen at drsudo.com> wrote 
 a message of 18 lines which said:

> 66 is more Let's Encrypt certs than I would have guessed. For better
> or worse, they seem a bit out of place in gemini. When I was setting
> up my server, I was almost going to use my Let's Encrypt cert, but
> I'm glad I didn't. The Let's Encrypt method is antithetical to the
> TOFU model of certs.

This is one of the weaknesses of the current spec (and why I think it
is far from finished). Using a CA like Let's Encrypt is not forbidden
but there is no detail about how it goes with TOFU. For instance, when
a certificate (or key?) changes, is it TOFU-OK if it is signed by a
recognized CA?

Link to individual message.

Stephane Bortzmeyer <stephane (a) sources.org>

On Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 10:15:11PM +0000,
 nervuri <nervuri at disroot.org> wrote 
 a message of 55 lines which said:

> Also, Lupa knows about 528 hosts, more than GUS's 442. I wish it
> listed them.

But only 449 working (at least one successful connect) so the numbers
are not so different.

lupa=> SELECT name FROM Capsules where lastsuccessfulconnect IS NULL;

Some of the non-working capsules come from examples, some from the
darknet :-) and some were juste malformed links.

Link to individual message.

Petite Abeille <petite.abeille (a) gmail.com>

> On Jan 3, 2021, at 16:14, Stephane Bortzmeyer <stephane at sources.org> wrote:
> how it goes with TOFU

Trust on first use (TOFU) has been waved as a talisman meant to absolve 
Gemini from actually defining it.

What does TOFU means for Gemini, in practice? Gory, precise details wanted.


? ???

Link to individual message.

Petite Abeille <petite.abeille (a) gmail.com>

> On Jan 3, 2021, at 00:25, Paper <paper at tilde.institute> wrote:
> Lagrange provides a way to create scripts which handle MIME types lagrange
> which are not supported by lagrange natively. We can use this to render CSV:

Clever. You could even do it inline, in one go, curtesy of the data URI scheme. ?

For example, given a data encoded text/csv link:

=> data:text/csv;1997%2CFord%2CE350 table

A smart client could render the above as a table, inline, without further ado. 

No need to expend gemini/text further, as it's already infinitely expendable today.

? ???

? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_URI_scheme

Link to individual message.

Petite Abeille <petite.abeille (a) gmail.com>

> On Jan 2, 2021, at 04:04, Ki?d Llaentenn <kiedtl at tilde.team> wrote:
> 4. It mixes information and presentation, which is against the spirit of
>   Gemini(?)


If anything, gemini/text is... purely about information?

Put another way, text/gemini has no control over presentation. None.

Presentation is the remit of the user-agent, the client.

The only escape hatch is the pre-formatted block, ala ```, which is meant 
to be rendered 'as-is', in monospace fonts. Therefore the endless 
overloading of that construct for many exotic purposes.

5.4.4 Preformatted text lines
"Preformatted text lines should be presented to the user in a "neutral", 
monowidth font without any alteration to whitespace or stylistic enhancements."

But of course, we also have links.

Links can be resolved, and rendered, in any creative way a smart client sees fit.

For example, an embedded text/csv, encoded as a data link, could be 
rendered in place into a beautiful looking table by the discerning user-agent:

=> data:text/csv;1997%2CFord%2CE350 Table Caption

? ???

Link to individual message.

Petite Abeille <petite.abeille (a) gmail.com>

> On Jan 3, 2021, at 20:50, Petite Abeille <petite.abeille at gmail.com> wrote:
> No need to expend gemini/text further, as it's already infinitely expendable today.

Damn you autocorrect.

? ???

Link to individual message.

Petite Abeille <petite.abeille (a) gmail.com>

> On Jan 2, 2021, at 04:04, Ki?d Llaentenn <kiedtl at tilde.team> wrote:
>  I'm hard pressed to think of another
> solution.



? ???

Link to individual message.

Jason McBrayer <jmcbray (a) carcosa.net>

Ki?d Llaentenn <kiedtl at tilde.team> writes:

> So, are there any other options for having tables in Gemtext, other
> than adding a new syntax to the spec? I'm hard pressed to think of
> another solution.

Remember that not everything has to be inline. Images aren't inline in
gemtext, and tables are a lot like images. In my opinion, the most
Gemini way of presenting a table is a link to a text/csv document.

| Jason F. McBrayer                    jmcbray at carcosa.net  |
| A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, |
| even though we do not love it.            -- Dogen        |

Link to individual message.

A. E. Spencer-Reed <easrng (a) gmail.com>

It looks like no one has mentioned box-drawing characters yet, they
look good, are supported as part of UTF-8, and I suspect they'd be
easy to parse.
? Text ? goes  ?
? in   ? these ?
There are other styles that would need to be accounted for, like
? Bold ?
? Double ?

=> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box-drawing_character#Unicode More
information about box drawing characters

Link to individual message.

Petite Abeille <petite.abeille (a) gmail.com>

> On Jan 4, 2021, at 16:00, A. E. Spencer-Reed <easrng at gmail.com> wrote:
> It looks like no one has mentioned box-drawing characters yet, they
> look good, are supported as part of UTF-8, 

See ? ascii-tables ? Output Style ? Unicode (single line):


? ???

Link to individual message.

Petite Abeille <petite.abeille (a) gmail.com>

> On Jan 4, 2021, at 15:23, Jason McBrayer <jmcbray at carcosa.net> wrote:
> Remember that not everything has to be inline. Images aren't inline in
> gemtext, and tables are a lot like images.

Even though they could be inlined, using data: links.

For example, a SVG image, data: encoded, could be rendered inline by a smart client:

=> data:image/svg+xml;%3Csvg%20height%3D%22100%22%20width%3D%22100%22%3E%3C
2%20stroke-width%3D%223%22%20fill%3D%22red%22%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E image caption

Same, but base64 encoded:

=> 
yIgZmlsbD0icmVkIi8+PC9zdmc+ image caption

? ???

Link to individual message.

Gâktuğ Kayaalp <self (a) gkayaalp.com>

Jason McBrayer jmcbray at carcosa.net writes:
> Remember that not everything has to be inline. Images aren't inline in
> gemtext, and tables are a lot like images. In my opinion, the most
> Gemini way of presenting a table is a link to a text/csv document.


As a bonus the user could configure a program to handle CSVs/TSVs that
best fit their needs. Some clients may choose to display inline like
others said.

As another bonus, the table is ready to be used by anyone who wants to
programmatically manipulate it, without any preprocessing.


Link to individual message.

Oliver Simmons <oliversimmo (a) gmail.com>

On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 at 09:17, G?ktu? Kayaalp <self at gkayaalp.com> wrote:
> Jason McBrayer jmcbray at carcosa.net writes:
> > Remember that not everything has to be inline. Images aren't inline in
> > gemtext, and tables are a lot like images. In my opinion, the most
> > Gemini way of presenting a table is a link to a text/csv document.
> +1
> As a bonus the user could configure a program to handle CSVs/TSVs that
> best fit their needs. Some clients may choose to display inline like
> others said.
> As another bonus, the table is ready to be used by anyone who wants to
> programmatically manipulate it, without any preprocessing.

A big YES to something simple like *SV, only use more advanced stuff
if you absolutely need to.
I don't want anyone to go through the pains I have gone through
getting garbled Microsoft tables and just plain weird table abuse into
a usable format.

-Oliver Simmons

Link to individual message.


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