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[spec] Using a gitlab

Nathan Galt mailinglists at ngalt.com

Tue Mar 16 00:33:36 GMT 2021

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On Mon, Mar 15, 2021, at 5:35 AM, PJ vM wrote:

Lastly, I strongly doubt that requiring an account to comment benefits
the quality of discussion in any way. Your thinking about "skin in the
game" is interesting, but not more than interesting. In fact, I think
using gitlab is bad for the discussion quality for a few reasons:
* because of it being split across multiple webpages that few people
look at unless they're linked to a specific issue, the discussion is not
visible enough, there is not enough scrutiny. This can lead to nonsense
arguments not being countered for weeks (probably acquiring multiple
thumbs up from uncritical readers), or even a "the person who files the
issue is more likely to win"-type situation
* you turn away those who are least tolerant of the web, those who are
not favoured by cloudflare, and those who refuse to make a gitlab
account for this because they feel they shouldn't have to

I'll be the first to admit that this doesn't address all your issues, since I had an old GitLab account that was just lying around, CloudFlare doesn't hate me, and I'm not particularly web-intolerant, but...

As a lurker, the interface for spec discussion on GitLab is a *lot* like spec discussion on the main list. I went to the protocol and gemtext pages, opted to get all notifications, and then e-mails started coming into my inbox. I set up a couple filters on my end, and now they get auto-filed into folders. At the bottom of all GitLab e-mails is some text saying I can reply directly to the e-mail or visit the GitLab website to reply.

As someone who's fine with mailing lists and likes his e-mail client, this is not an unpleasant steady state of affairs.