[user] new capsule

ew.gemini <ew.gemini (a) nassur.net>


thanks to solderpunk for hosting my capsule at

=> gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space/~ew/

I have never really produced a blog --- allthough I heavily rely
on what information others make avaiable. I have made one attempt
(using emacs, ox-publish) and it immediately seemed awkward. I
gave up after like half a dozen posts ... Now with the minimal
approach of gemini:// writing up something feels much simpler. I
don't even have to check the cheat sheet for .gmi text layout.
So thank you everyone involved in making this experiment a

I like to read what others write. I already found a number of
posts, which brightend my day :) Thanks!


Keep it simple!

Link to individual message.

Solderpunk <solderpunk (a) posteo.net>

Hi ew,

Welcome to Geminispace!  I am glad you are enjoying a less awkward
way to publish online. :)

I've changed the Subject of this reply to have the correct form of the
[users] topic, so that more people can see it.  You're certainly not the
first person to make this mistake.  I might redefine the topic so that
both [user] and [users] work, as that might make things easier.


PS: For the curious, the choice of [users] and [tech] is mirroring
conventions from *BSD mailing lists.

On Tue Dec 29, 2020 at 9:48 AM CET, ew.gemini wrote:
> Hello,
> thanks to solderpunk for hosting my capsule at
> => gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space/~ew/
> I have never really produced a blog --- allthough I heavily rely
> on what information others make avaiable. I have made one attempt
> (using emacs, ox-publish) and it immediately seemed awkward. I
> gave up after like half a dozen posts ... Now with the minimal
> approach of gemini:// writing up something feels much simpler. I
> don't even have to check the cheat sheet for .gmi text layout.
> So thank you everyone involved in making this experiment a
> reality.
> I like to read what others write. I already found a number of
> posts, which brightend my day :) Thanks!
> Cheers,
> ~ew
> --
> Keep it simple!

Link to individual message.

Kiba Fox <kiba.fox (a) foxypossibilities.com>

On 12/29/20 3:48 AM, ew.gemini wrote:
> Hello,
> thanks to solderpunk for hosting my capsule at
> => gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space/~ew/

Hello there!

Thank you for posting your new Gemini space.  I'm enjoying your writing.

What do you prefer for a client?  I'm having trouble with some terminal 
based clients and navigating numbered links that require two keystrokes 
(e.g. 24 would navigate to the second link then the fourth on the new 
page instead of link 24 on the original page.)

> I have never really produced a blog --- allthough I heavily rely
> on what information others make avaiable. I have made one attempt
> (using emacs, ox-publish) and it immediately seemed awkward. I
> gave up after like half a dozen posts ... Now with the minimal
> approach of gemini:// writing up something feels much simpler. I
> don't even have to check the cheat sheet for .gmi text layout.
> So thank you everyone involved in making this experiment a
> reality.
I've made several attempts to make a blog in the past, myself.  I'm 
excited about Gemini for its simplicity too.  Markdown (or org-mode) is 
nice, but with Gemini text it is much simpler, and I think having less 
options actually helps free you when writing.

It's not complete yet, but I'm slowly working on a static site generator 
that uses Gemini text as the primary text format.  It'll render it to 
HTML for multi protocol hosting without a proxy.

=> https://git.sr.ht/~kiba/gdn Gemini static site generator

> I like to read what others write. I already found a number of
> posts, which brightend my day :) Thanks!

I've been happily exploring others' writings on Gemini as well.  I don't 
know where I'll host it, but I've started the git repository for my own 
site and writings here:

=> https://git.sr.ht/~kiba/garden My digital garden

I wish you the best and I look forward to reading more of your posts.

Kind regards,

Link to individual message.

ew.gemini <ew.gemini (a) nassur.net>

Hello Kiba,

Kiba Fox writes:
> On 12/29/20 3:48 AM, ew.gemini wrote:
>> Hello,
>> thanks to solderpunk for hosting my capsule at
>> => gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space/~ew/
> Hello there!
> Thank you for posting your new Gemini space.  I'm enjoying
> your writing.


> What do you prefer for a client?

I'm using emacs/elpher, however, emacs is running in window
mode on i3.

I'm also using kristall to experiment with gemini behind an
onion service (using torify).


Keep it simple!

Link to individual message.

Kiba Fox <kiba.fox (a) foxypossibilities.com>

On 12/29/20 1:30 PM, ew.gemini wrote:
> I'm using emacs/elpher, however, emacs is running in window
> mode on i3.
> I'm also using kristall to experiment with gemini behind an
> onion service (using torify).

Thank you! I will have to check those out.

Kind regards,

Link to individual message.


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