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Italian Translation

Stephane Bortzmeyer stephane at sources.org

Sun Mar 28 07:50:20 BST 2021

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On Sun, Mar 28, 2021 at 01:33:14AM -0400, The Gnuserland <gnuserland at mailbox.org> wrote a message of 14 lines which said:

So far I haven't received any feedback or notice by Solderpunk, I am
not anxious to see my "effort" ASAP but I would like to understand
if my contribute is arriving and if it is arriving at the right

I have the feeling that Solderpunk is either very busy or notcurrently interested (the development of MollyBrown has the sameissues). I suggest that you publish your work on your own capsule,even if it's not "official", it may interest some people.

For your information, here are the 13 URLs tagged "italian" right now,as found by the Lupa crawler:


SELECT url FROM Urls WHERE lang = 'it'; url ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- gemini://it.omarpolo.com/articoli/pillole-di-emacs-001/ gemini://it.omarpolo.com/articoli/client-certs-con-gmid.gmi gemini://it.omarpolo.com/ gemini://it.omarpolo.com/articoli/pillole-di-emacs-004/ gemini://gemini-italia.europecom.net/ gemini://it.omarpolo.com/articoli/cose-dall-ultima-volta-00/ gemini://it.omarpolo.com/articoli/cose-dall-ultima-volta-01/ gemini://it.omarpolo.com/articoli/gmid-sandbox.gmi gemini://it.omarpolo.com/articoli/passare-file-descriptor-tra-processi.gmi gemini://it.omarpolo.com/articoli/pillole-di-emacs-005/ gemini://it.omarpolo.com/articoli/gmid-ricaricare-configurazione.gmi gemini://it.omarpolo.com/articoli/pillole-di-emacs-002/ gemini://it.omarpolo.com/articoli/pillole-di-emacs-003/(13 rows)