[ANN] Hello world! New gemininaut there :)

Étienne Deparis <etienne (a) depar.is>

Hi all!

I first heard about Gemini a week ago and agree all of its manifesto. I
love it so much I immediatly began to work on some implementation for
it. I must admit, as a ruby developer, having a new ecosystem where
??gem?? is a corner stone is quite exciting ;)

Thus, I can confirm the Gemini motto ??every one should be able to
release an MVP over a week-end??: I quickly wrote two new Ruby gem to
give tools to other ruby devs.

- ruby-net-text, which is an addendum to the standard Net::* and URI::*
  libs to support the Gemini protocol
- diamant, which is a Gemini server in ruby, already powering my own

=> gemini://alltext.umaneti.net/ My little capsule in the gemini space
=> gemini://alltext.umaneti.net/ruby-net-text.gmi ruby-net-text page
=> https://git.umaneti.net/ruby-net-text/ ruby-net-text git repository
=> gemini://alltext.umaneti.net/diamant.gmi diamant page
=> https://git.umaneti.net/diamant/ diamant git repository

It?s a pleasure to build a whole new space on clean roots, having
privacy and simplicity in mind. A space where we are not just users or
consumers, but actors.

Have all a good day,

?tienne Deparis

xmpp: etienne at depar.is

Link to individual message.

Jonas Müller <jonas-mueller (a) mailbox.org>

Hi Etienne,

just in case you are interested - here is my take on Gemini in Ruby:


Kind regards,

On Fri Nov 20, 2020, ?tienne Deparis wrote:
> Hi all!
> I first heard about Gemini a week ago and agree all of its manifesto. I
> love it so much I immediatly began to work on some implementation for
> it. I must admit, as a ruby developer, having a new ecosystem where
> ? gem ? is a corner stone is quite exciting ;)
> Thus, I can confirm the Gemini motto ? every one should be able to
> release an MVP over a week-end ?: I quickly wrote two new Ruby gem to
> give tools to other ruby devs.
> - ruby-net-text, which is an addendum to the standard Net::* and URI::*
> libs to support the Gemini protocol
> - diamant, which is a Gemini server in ruby, already powering my own
> capsule.
> => gemini://alltext.umaneti.net/ My little capsule in the gemini space
> => gemini://alltext.umaneti.net/ruby-net-text.gmi ruby-net-text page
> => https://git.umaneti.net/ruby-net-text/ ruby-net-text git repository
> => gemini://alltext.umaneti.net/diamant.gmi diamant page
> => https://git.umaneti.net/diamant/ diamant git repository
> It?s a pleasure to build a whole new space on clean roots, having
> privacy and simplicity in mind. A space where we are not just users or
> consumers, but actors.
> Have all a good day,
> --
> ?tienne Deparis
> https://etienne.depar.is/
> xmpp: etienne at depar.is

Link to individual message.

Étienne Deparis <etienne (a) depar.is>

ven. 20 nov. 2020 ? 21:33, jonas-mueller at mailbox.org a ?crit?:

> Hi Etienne,
> just in case you are interested - here is my take on Gemini in Ruby:
> https://git.sr.ht/~muellerj/gemini-rb

Oh, that?s very interesting. I don?t find them during my first
look. I very like your KnownHostStore class and may reuse it in my
server: I certainly miss a lot of thing in my implementation. Your class
just make me saw that I don?t check the certificate date validity?

Thank you very much for showing your work to me!

Have a good week-end

?tienne Deparis

xmpp: etienne at depar.is

Link to individual message.


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